bin table

Each FKP can be viewed as bucket or bin that contains the properties of a certain range of FCs in the Word file. In Word files, a PLC, the plcfbte (PLex of FCs containing Bin Table Entries) is maintained. It records the association between a particular range of FCs and the PN (Page Number) of the FKP that contains the properties for that FC range in the file. In a complex (fast-saved) Word document, FKP pages are intermingled with pages of text in a random pattern which reflects the history of past fast saves. In a complex document, a plcfbteChpx which records the location of every CHPX FKP must be stored and a plcfbtePapx which records the location of every PAPX FKP must be stored. In a non-complex, full-saved document, all of the CHPX FKPS are recorded in consecutive 512-byte pages with the FKPs recorded in ascending FC order, as are all of the PAPX FKPS. A plcfbteLvcx serves the same purpose for LVCX FKPS.

In a full save document, the plcfbte's may not have been able to be expanded during the save process due to a lack of RAM. In that situation, the plcfbte's will be interspersed with the property pages in a linked list of FBD pages.