
This function calls an internal Microsoft Excel function from a DLL or code resource. This form accepts its arguments as an array.

Returns the same value as Excel4.


int _cdecl Excel4v(int iFunction, LPXLOPER pxRes, int iCount,

iFunction (int)

A number indicating the command, function, or special function you want to call. For more information, see the "Remarks" section under "Excel4" on page 215.


A pointer to an allocated XLOPER (10 bytes) that will hold the result of the evaluated function.

iCount (int)

The number of arguments that will be passed to the function.

rgx (LPXLOPER [])

An array containing the arguments to the function. All arguments in the array must be pointers to XLOPERs.


This function is provided so you can write a wrapper function that calls Excel4. Otherwise, it behaves exactly like Excel4.


See the code for the Excel function in FRAMEWRK.C in the FRAMEWRK directory.

Related Functions

Excel4, Excel