Called from a macro sheet or DLL. This function forces a DLL or code resource to be unloaded completely. It unregisters all of the functions in a DLL (or all of the code resources in a file), even if they are currently in use by another macro, no matter what the use count. This function registers xlAutoClose, calls xlAutoClose, unregisters xlAutoClose, and then unregisters all other functions in the DLL.

If successful, returns TRUE (xltypeBool). If unsuccessful, returns FALSE.


From a macro sheet:


From a DLL:

Excel4(xlfUnregister, LPXLOPER pxRes, 1, LPXLOPER pxModuleText);

module_text (xltypeStr)

The name of the DLL containing the functions.


Proceed Carefully

Beware of this form of the function. Because Microsoft Excel keeps use counts for every DLL function and code resource, it is possible to register a function in two different places. However, if you use this form of UNREGISTER, you will be guaranteed to delete all the registrations that exist.

Deleting all registrations is useful when you are developing DLLs so that you can be sure a DLL is completely unloaded from Microsoft Excel while you compile a new version.

Remember to Delete Names

If you specified the function_text argument to REGISTER, you need to explicitly delete the names by calling SET.NAME and omitting the second argument so that the function will no longer appear in the Function Wizard.

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