Getting Ready for Distribution

Now that your add-in is tested and debugged, a final development phase is needed. In this phase you clean up your add-in and add extra functionality by using Help files.

Cleaning Up Your Add-in

There are several things you can do to clean up your add-in:

Important Make sure to compile and save all Visual Basic modules in your add-in, including form and report modules, before distributing your application. Users may encounter unexpected errors in add-in modules that haven’t been compiled and saved.

Creating a Help File

Help is a feature that can make your add-in easier to use and can reduce the amount of printed documentation you supply for your add-in. You can create Help files by using the Microsoft Help Compiler, which you can obtain from the following sources:

Help topics are called from your add-in’s forms in the same way they are called from any Microsoft Access application’s forms.

See Also   For more information on creating Help files, search the Help index for “Help, creating custom” and “HelpFile property.”