ShortcutMenuBar Property

Applies To

Application object, Bound Object Frame control, Chart control, Check Box control, Combo Box control, Command Button control, Form, Image control, Label control, List Box control, Option Button control, Option Group control, Page, Report, Tab control, Text Box control, Toggle Button control, Unbound Object Frame control.


You can use the ShortcutMenuBar property to specify the shortcut menu that will appear when you right-click on a form, report, or control on a form. You create these shortcut menus by pointing to Toolbars on the View menu and then clicking Customize.

Note   The ShortcutMenuBar property applies only to controls on a form, not controls on a report.

You can also use the ShortcutMenuBar property to specify the menu bar macro that will be used to display a shortcut menu for a datasheet, form, form control, or report.

Note In previous versions of Microsoft Access, you created a custom shortcut menu by setting the ShortcutMenuBar property to the name of a menu bar macro. You then created a macro group containing the commands for this menu. This functionality is still supported in Microsoft Access 97. However, it is strongly recommended that you use the new Customize dialog box, available by pointing to Toolbars on the View menu, and then clicking Customize, to create custom shortcut menus.


Enter the name of the shortcut menu you want to display. A shortcut menu can be any command bar whose Type property is set to Popup. If you leave the ShortcutMenuBar property setting blank, Microsoft Access displays the built-in (default) shortcut menu or the application's global shortcut menu. If you set the ShortcutMenuBar property to a value that isn't the name of an existing shortcut menu or menu bar macro, the form, form control, or report won't have a shortcut menu (the default shortcut menu won't be shown).

You can set this property by using the object's property sheet, a macro, or Visual Basic.

In Visual Basic, you set this property by using a string expression that is the name of the shortcut menu you want to display.

To display the built-in shortcut menu for a database, form, form control, or report by using a macro or Visual Basic, set the property to a zero-length string (" ").


You create a custom shortcut menu by first creating a toolbar that includes all the commands you want to appear on your custom shortcut menu. Then open the Toolbar Properties dialog box by selecting the toolbar in the Customize dialog box and clicking the Properties button. In the Toolbar Properties dialog box, set the Type property to Popup. This toolbar will now be available in the ShortcutMenuBar property box in the property sheet for a form, form control, or report.

When used with the Application object, the ShortcutMenuBar property enables you to display a custom shortcut menu as a global shortcut menu. However, if you've set the ShortcutMenuBar property for a form, form control, or report in the database, the custom shortcut menu of that object will be displayed in place of the database's global shortcut menu. You can display a different custom shortcut menu for a specific form, form control, or report by setting its ShortcutMenuBar property to a different shortcut menu. When the form, form control, or report has the focus, the custom shortcut menu for that object is displayed when the user clicks the right mouse button; otherwise, the global shortcut menu for the database is displayed.

Shortcut menus aren't available to any object if the AllowShortcutMenus property is set to False (0).

See Also

AddMenu action, AllowShortcutMenus property, MenuBar property, ShortcutMenu property.