SolverFinishDialog Function


Tells Microsoft Excel what to do with the results and what kind of report to create when the solution process is completed. Equivalent to the SolverFinish function, but also displays the Solver Results dialog box after solving a problem.

Before you use this function, you must establish a reference to the Solver add-in. With a Visual Basic module active, click References on the Tools menu, and then select the Solver.xla check box under Available References. If Solver.xla doesn't appear under Available References, click Browse and open Solver.xla in the \Excel\Library\Solver folder.


SolverFinishDialog(KeepFinal, ReportArray)

KeepFinal Optional Variant. Can be either 1 or 2. If KeepFinal is 1 or omitted, the final solution values are kept in the changing cells, replacing any former values. If KeepFinal is 2, the final solution values are discarded, and the former values are restored.

ReportArray Optional Variant. The kind of report Microsoft Excel will create when Solver is finished: 1 creates an answer report, 2 creates a sensitivity report, and 3 creates a limit report. Use the Array function to specify the reports you want to display — for example, ReportArray:= Array(1,3).

See Also

SolverFinish function, SolverOk function.


This example loads the previously calculated Solver model stored on Sheet1, solves the model again, and then displays the Finish dialog box with two preset options.

SolverLoad loadArea:=Range("A33:A38")
SolverSolve userFinish:=True
SolverFinishDialog keepFinal:=1, reportArray:=Array(1)