Add Method (TextColumns Collection)

Applies To

TextColumns collection object.


Adds a new text column to a document or section.

Note By default, there's always at least one text column in the TextColumns collection.


expression.Add(Width, Spacing, EvenlySpaced)

expression Required. An expression that returns a TextColumns object.

Width Optional Variant. The width of the new text column in the document, in points.

Spacing Optional Variant. The spacing between the text columns in the document, in points.

EvenlySpaced Optional Variant. True to evenly space all the text columns be in the document.

See Also

SetCount method, Spacing property.


This example creates a new document and then adds another 2.5-inch-wide text column to it.

Set myDoc = Documents.Add
myDoc.PageSetup.TextColumns.Add Width:=InchesToPoints(2.5), _
    Spacing:=InchesToPoints(0.5), EvenlySpaced:=False
This example adds a new text column to the active document and then evenly spaces all the text columns in the document.

ActiveDocument.PageSetup.TextColumns.Add Width:=InchesToPoints(1.5), _