FirstLetterExceptions Property

Applies To

AutoCorrect object.


Returns a FirstLetterExceptions collection that represents the list of abbreviations after which Word won't automatically capitalize the next letter. This list corresponds to the list of AutoCorrect exceptions on the First Letter tab in the AutoCorrect Exceptions dialog box (AutoCorrect command, Tools menu). Read-only.

See Also

AutoCorrect property, FirstLetterAutoAdd property, TwoInitialCapsExceptions property.


This example adds "apt." to the list of AutoCorrect First Letter exceptions.

AutoCorrect.FirstLetterExceptions.Add "apt."
This example deletes the specified AutoCorrect First Letter exception if it exists.

myValue = InputBox("Enter the First Letter exception to delete.")
For Each anEntry in AutoCorrect.FirstLetterExceptions
    If anEntry.Name = myValue Then
        myMatch = True
        myConfirm = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete " & _
            anEntry.Name, 4)
        If myConfirm = vbYes Then
        End If
    End If
Next anEntry
If myMatch <> True Then
    MsgBox "There was no First Letter exception: " & myValue
End If