Languages Collection Object


A collection of Language objects that represent languages used for proofing or formatting in Word.

Using the Languages collection

Use the Languages property to return the Languages collection. The following example displays the localized name for each language.

For Each la In Languages
    Msgbox la.NameLocal
Next la
Use Languages(index), where index is either a name or one of the WdLanguageID constants, to return a single Language object.


The Count property returns the number of languages for which you can mark text (languages for which proofing tools are available). To check proofing, you must install the appropriate tools for each language you intend to check. You need both a .dll file and an .lex file for each of the following: the thesaurus, spelling checker, grammar checker, and hyphenation tools.

If you mark text as wdNoProofing, Word skips the marked text when running a spelling or grammar check. To mark text for a specified language or for no proofing, use the Set Language command (Tools menu, Language submenu).


Application property, Count property, Creator property, Parent property.


Item method.

See Also

LanguageID property.