Last Property

Applies To

Characters collection object, Columns collection object, Paragraphs collection object, Rows collection object, Sections collection object, Sentences collection object, Words collection object.


Sentences, Words, and Characters objects: Returns a Range object that represents the last sentence, word, or character in a document, selection, or range. Read-only.

Columns, Paragraphs, Rows, and Sections objects: Returns the last item in the specified collection. Read-only. For example, both of the following instructions return a Paragraph object that represents the last paragraph in the selection.

See Also

Count property, First property, Item method.


This example formats the last paragraph in the active document to be right aligned.

ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Last.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphRight
This example deletes the last row in table one.

This example applies bold formatting to the last word in the selection.

If Selection.Words.Count >= 2 Then
    Selection.Words.Last.Bold = True
End If