Lists Property

Applies To

Document object.


Returns a Lists collection that contains all the formatted lists in the specified document. Read-only.

See Also

ApplyListTemplate method, List property, ListFormat property.


This example formats the selection as a numbered list. The example then displays a message box that reports the number of lists in the active document.

Selection.Range.ListFormat.ApplyListTemplate _
MsgBox "This document has " & ActiveDocument.Lists.Count & " lists."
This example formats the third list in the active document with the default bulleted list format. If the list is already formatted with a bulleted list format, the example removes the formatting.

If ActiveDocument.Lists.Count >= 3 Then
End If
This example displays a message box that reports the number of items in each list in MyLetter.doc.

Set myDoc = Documents("MyLetter.doc")
i = myDoc.Lists.Count
For each li in myDoc.Lists
    Msgbox "List " & i & " has " & li.CountNumberedItems & " items."
    i = i - 1
Next li