SectionStart Property

Applies To

PageSetup object.


Returns or sets the type of section break for the specified PageSetup object. Can be one of the following WdSectionStart constants: wdSectionContinuous, wdSectionEvenPage, wdSectionNewColumn, wdSectionNewPage, or wdSectionOddPage. Read/write Long.

See Also

InsertBreak method.


This example changes the type of section break to continuous for all sections in the active document.

ActiveDocument.PageSetup.SectionStart = wdSectionContinuous
This example returns the type of section break used at the beginning of the second section in MyDoc and applies it to all the sections in the active document.

mytype = Documents("MyDoc").Sections(2).PageSetup.SectionStart
ActiveDocument.PageSetup.SectionStart = mytype