SendMailer Method

Applies To

Document object.


Sends the document by using the PowerTalk mailer. This method is available only on the Macintosh, with the PowerTalk system extension installed, and it can only be used on a document that has a mailer attached.


expression.SendMailer(FileFormat, Priority)

expression   An expression that returns a Document object.

FileFormat   Optional Variant. The format for the specified file. Can be one of the file format names listed in the Save as type box in the Save As dialog box (File menu).

Priority   Optional Variant. The message priority. Can be one of the following WdPriority constants: wdPriorityLow, wdPriorityNormal, or wdPriorityHigh.


This example sets up the Mailer object for the active document and then sends the document.

With ActiveDocument
    .HasMailer = True
    With .Mailer
        .Subject = "Here is the document"
        .ToRecipients = Array("Jean")
        .CCRecipients = Array("Adam", "Bernard")
        .BCCRecipients = Array("Chris")
        .Enclosures = Array("TestFile")
    End With
End With