TabLeader Property

Applies To

Index object, TableOfAuthorities object, TableOfContents object, TableOfFigures object.


Returns or sets the character between entries and their page numbers in an index, table of authorities, table of contents, or table of figures. Can be one of the following WdTabLeader constants: wdTabLeaderDashes, wdTabLeaderDots, wdTabLeaderHeavy, wdTabLeaderLines, or wdTabLeaderSpaces. Read/write Long.

See Also

RightAlignPageNumbers property.


This example formats the tables of contents in Sales.doc to use a dotted tab leader.

For Each aTOC In Documents("Sales.doc").TablesOfContents
    aTOC.TabLeader = wdTabLeaderDots
Next aTOC
This example adds an index at the end of the active document. The page numbers are right aligned with a dashed-line tab leader.

Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=ActiveDocument.Content.End -1, _
    End:=ActiveDocument.Content.End -1)
ActiveDocument.Indexes.Add(Range:=myRange, Type:=wdIndexIndent, _
    RightAlignPageNumbers:=True).TabLeader = wdTabLeaderDashes