TableOfAuthorities Object


Represents a single table of authorities in a document (a TOA field). The TableOfAuthorities object is a member of the TablesOfAuthorities collection. The TablesOfAuthorities collection includes all the tables of authorities in a document.

Using the TableOfAuthorities Object

Use TablesOfAuthorities(index), where index is the index number, to return a single TableOfAuthorities object. The index number represents the position of the table of authorities in the document. The following example includes category headers in the first table of authorities in the active document and then updates the table.

With ActiveDocument.TablesOfAuthorities(1)
    .IncludeCategoryHeader = True
End With
Use the Add method to add a table of authorities to a document. The following example adds a table of authorities that includes all categories at the beginning of the active document.

Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=0, End:=0)
ActiveDocument.TablesOfAuthorities.Add Range:=myRange, _
    Passim:=True, Category:=0, EntrySeparator:=", "
Note A table of authorities is built from TA (Table of Authorities Entry) fields in a document. Use the MarkCitation method to mark citations to be included in a table of authorities.


Application property, Bookmark property, Category property, Creator property, EntrySeparator property, IncludeCategoryHeader property, IncludeSequenceName property, KeepEntryFormatting property, PageNumberSeparator property, PageRangeSeparator property, Parent property, Passim property, Range property, Separator property, TabLeader property.


Delete method, Update method.

See Also

TableOfAuthoritiesCategory object.