Word Property

Applies To

SynonymInfo object.


Returns the word or phrase that was looked up by the thesaurus. Read-only String.


The thesaurus will sometimes look up a shortened version of the string or range used to return the SynonymInfo object. The Word property allows you to see the exact string that was used.

See Also

SynonymInfo object.


This example returns a list of synonyms for the first meaning of the third word in the active document.

Set mySynObj = ActiveDocument.Words(3).SynonymInfo
SList = mySynObj.SynonymList(1)
For i = 1 To UBound(SList)
    Msgbox "A synonym for " & mySynObj.Word & " is " & SList(i)
Next i
This example checks to make sure that the word or phrase that was looked up isn't empty. If it's not, the example returns a list of synonyms for the first meaning of the word or phrase.

Set mySynObj = Selection.Range.SynonymInfo
If mySynObj.Word = "" Then
    Msgbox "Please select a word or phrase"
    SList = mySynObj.SynonymList(1)
    For i = 1 To UBound(SList)
        Msgbox "A synonym for " & mySynObj.Word & " is " & SList(i)
    Next i
End If