Creator Property

Applies To

Adjustments object, Application object, CalloutFormat object, ColorFormat object, ConnectorFormat object, FillFormat object, FreeformBuilder object, GroupShapes collection object, LineFormat object, PictureFormat object, ShadowFormat object, Shape object, ShapeNode object, ShapeNodes collection object, ShapeRange collection object, Shapes collection object, TextEffectFormat object, TextFrame object, ThreeDFormat object.


Returns a 32-bit integer that represents the four-character creator code for the application in which the specified object was created. For example, if the object was created in PowerPoint, this property returns the hexadecimal number 50505433, which represents the string "PPT3". Read-only Long.


The Creator property is designed to be used in Microsoft Office applications for the Macintosh.


This example displays a message about the creator of myObject.

Set myObject = Application.ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(1)
If myObject.Creator = &h50505433 Then
    MsgBox "This is a PowerPoint object"
    MsgBox "This is not a PowerPoint object"
End If