DocumentWindow Object


Represents a document window. The DocumentWindow object is a member of the DocumentWindows collection. The DocumentWindows collection contains all the open document windows.

Using the DocumentWindow Object

Use Windows(index), where index is the document window index number, to return a single DocumentWindow object. The following example activates document window two.

Use the ActiveWindow property to return the active document window. The following example maximizes the active window.

ActiveWindow.WindowState = ppWindowMaximized
Use the Presentation property to return the presentation that's currently running in the specified document window. Use the Selection property to return the selection. Use the View property to return the view in the specified document window.


Active property, Application property, BlackAndWhite property, Caption property, Height property, Left property, Parent property, Presentation property, Selection property, Top property, View property, ViewType property, Width property, WindowState property.


Activate method, Close method, FitToPage method, LargeScroll method, NewWindow method, SmallScroll method.