Read Event
Applies To
AppointmentItem object, ContactItem object, JournalItem object, MailItem object, MeetingRequestItem object, NoteItem object, PostItem object, RemoteItem object, ReportItem object, TaskItem object, TaskRequestItem object.
Occurs when an existing Outlook item is opened for editing by the user. The Read event differs from the Open event in that Read occurs whenever the user selects the item in a view that supports in-cell editing as well as when the item is being opened in an inspector.
Sub Item_Read( )
See Also
Close event, CustomAction event, CustomPropertyChange event, Forward event, Open event, PropertyChange event, Reply event, ReplyAll event, Send event, Write event.
This example increments a counter to track how often an item is read.
Sub Item_Read()
Set myProperty = myItem.UserProperties("ReadCount").Value
myProperty.Value = myProperty.Value + 1
End Sub