Mode Property

Applies To

Balloon object.


Returns or sets the type of balloon displayed. Can be one of the following MsoModeType constants: msoModeAutoDown, msoModeModal, or msoModeModeless. When you create a new balloon with the NewBalloon method, this property is initially set to msoModeModal. Read/write Long.


If the Mode property for a balloon is set to msoModeModeless, the user can work in the application while the balloon is visible. If the property is set to msoModeModal, the user must dismiss the balloon before he or she can return to working in the application. If the property is set to msoModeAutoDown, the balloon is instantly dismissed when the user clicks anywhere on the screen.

If the Mode property for a balloon is set to msoModeModeless, a value for the Callback property is required. The Close method can only be used if the property is set to msoModeModeless.

See Also

Balloon object, BalloonError property.


This example creates a balloon with an alert icon that instructs the user to select a printer. Because the balloon is modeless, the user has access to printer commands while the balloon is visible.

With Assistant.NewBalloon
    .Heading = "Select A Printer"
    .Text = "You must select a printer before printing."
    .Icon = msoIconAlert
    .CheckBoxes(1).Text = "Local printer"
    .CheckBoxes(2).Text = "Network printer"
    .Mode = msoModeModeless
    .Callback = "ProcessPrinter"
End With