Change Event

Applies To

CheckBox control, ComboBox control, ListBox control, MultiPage control, OptionButton control, ScrollBar control, SpinButton control, TabStrip control, TextBox control, ToggleButton control.


Occurs when the Value property changes.


Private Sub object_Change( )

The Change event syntax has these parts:




Required. A valid object.


The Change event occurs when the setting of the Value property changes, regardless of whether the change results from execution of code or a user action in the interface.

Here are some examples of actions that change the Value property:

  • Clicking a CheckBox, OptionButton, or ToggleButton.
  • Entering or selecting a new text value for a ComboBox, ListBox, or TextBox.
  • Selecting a different tab on a TabStrip.
  • Moving the scroll box in a ScrollBar.
  • Clicking the up arrow or down arrow on a SpinButton.
  • Selecting a different page on a MultiPage.

The Change event procedure can synchronize or coordinate data displayed among controls. For example, you can use the Change event procedure of a ScrollBar to update the contents of a TextBox that displays the value of the ScrollBar. Or you can use a Change event procedure to display data and formulas in a work area and results in another area.

Note In some cases, the Click event may also occur when the Value property changes. However, using the Change event is the preferred technique for detecting a new value for a property.

See Also

AfterUpdate event, BeforeUpdate event, BoundValue property, Click event, UndoAction method, Value property.


See the MatchFound property example.