TabStrip Control


Presents a set of related controls as a visual group.


You can use a TabStrip to view different sets of information for related controls.

For example, the controls might represent information about a daily schedule for a group of individuals, with each set of information corresponding to a different individual in the group. Set the title of each tab to show one individual's name. Then, you can write code that, when you click a tab, updates the controls to show information about the person identified on the tab.

Note The TabStrip is implemented as a container of a Tabs collection, which in turn contains a group of Tab objects.

The default property for a TabStrip is the SelectedItem property.

The default event for a TabStrip is the Change event.


BackColor property, BoundValue property, ClientHeight, ClientLeft, ClientTop, ClientWidth properties, ControlTipText property, Enabled property, Font object, ForeColor property, Height, Width properties, HelpContextID property, LayoutEffect property, Left, Top properties, MouseIcon property, MousePointer property, MultiRow property, Name property, Object property, OldHeight, OldWidth properties, OldLeft, OldTop properties, Parent property, SelectedItem property, Style property, TabFixedHeight, TabFixedWidth properties, TabIndex property, TabOrientation property, TabStop property, Tag property, Value property, Visible property.


Move method, SetFocus method, ZOrder method.


BeforeDragOver event, BeforeDropOrPaste event, Change event, Click event, DblClick event, Enter, Exit events, Error event, KeyDown, KeyUp events, KeyPress event, MouseDown, MouseUp events, MouseMove event.

See Also

Tab object, Tabs collection.


See the Tab object example.