Move Method

Applies To

Section object.


Moves the specified section to another location in the binder.


expression.Move(Before, After)

expression Required. An expression that returns a Section object.

Before Optional Variant. The name or index number of the section that the object will be moved before. You cannot specify Before if you've specified After.

After Optional Variant. The name or index number of the section that the object will be moved after. You cannot specify After if you've specified Before.


This example moves all Microsoft Excel workbooks in Binder1.obd to the last sections in the binder.

Set myBinder = GetObject("C:\Binder1.obd", "OfficeBinder.Binder")
lastOne = myBinder.Sections.Count
For Each thing In myBinder.Sections
    If thing.Type = "Excel.Sheet.8" Then
        thing.Move after:=lastOne
    End If