Installing the SQL Server OLE DB Provider

The Microsoft SQL Server Setup program installs SQLOLEDB when installing the server or when installing the client utilities. Setup registers SQLOLEDB, making it available to OLE through the local registry.


Files necessary to develop SQLOLEDB consumers are installed when the appropriate option is selected during setup. Several SQLOLEDB sample applications ship with Sphinx. The samples implement simple SQLOLEDB consumers in C++.

Directory File Description
C:\Program files\Common files\System\Ole db Sqloledb.dll The dynamic-link library that implements the SQLOLEDB provider.
C:\Mssql7\Include Oledb.h The OLE DB SDK header file for OLE DB providers and consumers.
Sqloledb.h The header file used for developing SQLOLEDB consumers.
C:\Mssql7\Lib Oledb.lib The library file used for developing SQLOLEDB consumers.
C:\Mssql7\Samples\Sqloledb All Samples implementing simple SQLOLEDB consumers. The consumer samples are Microsoft® Visual C++® applications.


The primary source of information for OLE DB is the OLE DB Programmer’s Reference available with the OLE DB Software Development Kit (SDK). Both the SDK and Programmer’s Reference can be downloaded from the Microsoft Web site at

Microsoft SQL Server does not install the OLE DB SDK. To develop OLE DB applications, you need the OLE DB SDK from the Microsoft Web site.