SDK Components

The ActiveX Control Writer’s Software Development Kit for OLE DB contains this document, header files, libraries with source code, and samples.

Header files are located in the Inc directory.

Header file Description
adbhelp.h Adbctl: Data binding helpers
adbctl.h Adbctl: Main SDK support header file
adbmacrs.h Adbctl: Macro definitions
advcon.h Adbctl: IConnectionPoint and IPropertyNotifySink helpers
arrtmpl.h Array template
bookmark.h Adbctl: Bookmark helper class
Memstm.h Abdctl: IStream class for persistence
msstkprp.h Microsoft stock property pages
persist.h Adbctl: IPropertyBag and IStream persistence helpers
prophelp.h Adbctl: Property page and property management helpers
rowset.h Adbctl: Rowset wrapper class
strutils.h Adbctl: String helpers for WCHARs, BSTRs, and ANSI-to-Unicode conversions
autoobj.h Ctlfw: Automation object
ctlobj.h Ctlfw: OLE control object
debug.h Ctlfw: Debugging helpers
globals.h Ctlfw: Global variables
ipserver.h Ctlfw: Global header file
Localsrv.h Ctlfw: Server support
Proppage.h Ctlfw: Property page support
stdenum.h Ctlfw: Generic enumerator object
unknown.h Ctlfw: Unknown object 
util.h Ctlfw: Miscellaneous helpers

Libraries are located in the Lib directory.

Library Description
Adbctl.lib (release)
Adbctld.lib (debug)
SDK support library
Ctlfw.lib (release)
Ctlfwd.lib (debug)
ActiveX Control Framework library

Sources are located in the Src directory in their own project directories.

Project Description
Adbctl Source for SDK library
Ctlfw Source for ActiveX Control Framework library
Acfwiz Source for ActiveX Control Framework wizard

Sample projects are located in the Sample directory in their own project directories

Sample Description
Oledblst Complex bound ActiveX list box control
Simptext Simple bound ActiveX text control