
Given a connection string, instantiates and returns a data source object.

HRESULT GetDataSource(

   IUnknown *       pUnkOuter,
   DWORD            dwClsCtx,
   LPCOLESTR        pwszInitializationString,
   REFID            riid,
   IUnknown **      ppDataSource);


pUnkOuter [in]

A pointer to the controlling IUnknown interface if the data source object is being created as a part of an aggregate; otherwise, it is a null pointer.

dwClsCtx [in]

CLSCTX values.

pwszInitializationString [in]

A pointer to a connection string containing the information to be used for creating, and setting properties on a data source object. If this is NULL, an instance of the OLE DB provider for ODBC data is returned with default properties set.

riid [in]

The requested IID for the data source object returned in *ppDataSource.

ppDataSource [in, out]

A pointer to a data source object.

If *ppDataSource is null on entry, then GetDataSource generates a new data source object based on the information in pwszInitializationString, and returns a pointer to that data source object in ppDataSource.

If *ppDataSource is null and no provider is specified in pwszInitializationString, the data source object will be defaulted to the OLE DB Provider for ODBC.

If *ppDataSource is non-null and provider is specified in pwszInitializationString, then the data source specified by *ppDataSource will be used.

If *ppDataSource is non-null on entry, and a provider is specified in pwszInitializationString, GetDataSource checks to see if the specified provider matches the data source object passed in *ppDatasource. If so, GetDataSource sets the specified properties on the existing data source object. If not, GetDataSource returns an error and leaves *ppDatasource untouched.

Return Code


The method succeeded.


A provider-specific error occurred.


The data source did not support the interface specified in riid.

riid was IID_NULL.

*ppDatasource was not null and did not indicate an OLE DB data source generated from IDataInitialize or IDBPromptInitialize.


pwszInitializationString specified a provider, pUnkOuter was not a null pointer, and riid was something other than IID_IUnknown.

pwszInitializationString specified a provider, pUnkOuter was not a null pointer, and the provider does not support aggregation.

pwszInitializationString specified a provider, pUnkOuter was not a null pointer, and dwClsCtx was CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER or CLSCTX_REMOTE_SERVER.


pwszInitializationString specified a provider and dwClsCtx was not a valid value.

ppDatasource was a null pointer.


The provider indicated in pwszInitializationString was not found.

dwClsCtx indicated a server type not supported by the provider specified in pwszInitializationString.


A property specified in pwszInitializationString was not supported by the provider.

A property or value specified in pwszInitializationString was invalid or not supported by the provider.

*ppDatasource indicated a data source that was already initialized.

A property specified in pwszInitializationString was a read-only property and the property was not set to its default value.

It was not possible to set a property specified in pwszInitializationString.

One or more properties specified in pwszInitializationString conflicted with an existing property or one another.



Code Example

The following code fragment shows how a consumer might use IDataInitialize to connect to a data source object:

HRESULT               hr                     =S_OK;
IDBInitialize         *pIDBInitialize        =NULL;
IdataInitialize       *pIDataInitialize       =NULL;

hr = CoCreateInstance(
         reinterpret_cast<IUnknown **>(pIDataInitialize));
         if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
            return hr;

hr = pIDataInitialize->GetDataSource(
         L"Provider=MSDAORA;User ID=Oracle;Data Source=\\ORACLE",
         reinterpret_cast<void **>(pIDBInitialize));