Query Demo Overview

Query Demo demonstrates multiple, simultaneous connections to OLE DB providers. It enables you to type any command text and browse the results. T

To run the query demo, click Start, point to Programs, point to OLE DB SDK, and click Query Demo Client Sample.

File name Description
QURYDEMO.EXE Query Demo sample

Query Demo Features

With Query Demo, you can connect to and retrieve data from multiple OLE DB providers. The only limitations on a session with a provider are imposed by the driver and the amount of memory available on the system. Each session can support multiple commands, which are run in MDI child windows. The command window supports any command text that is valid for the provider and displays the rows and columns of a rowset, if one is returned, in the window. Additionally, built-in commands query for certain schema rowsets; see Query Demo Menus and Toolbar for more on the schema rowsets available through Query Demo.

Query Demo Limitations

The following limitations are declared in QURYDEMO.H.

Description Limit
Number of child windows 10
Size of display buffer in bytes 256
Number of columns in rowset 35
Number of rows in rowset 100
Length of data in a column, in bytes 25
Length of a column name, in bytes 20