The wglUseFontOutlines function creates a set of display lists, one for each glyph of the currently selected outline font of a device context, for use with the current rendering context. The display lists are used to draw 3-D characters of TrueType fonts. Each display list describes a glyph outline in floating-point coordinates.
The run of glyphs begins with the first glyph of the font of the specified device context. The em square size of the font, the notional grid size of the original font outline from which the font is fitted, is mapped to 1.0 in the x- and y-coordinates in the display lists. The extrusion parameter sets how much depth the font has in the z direction.
The lpgmf parameter returns a GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT structure that contains information about the placement and orientation of each glyph in a character cell.
BOOL wglUseFontOutlines(
HDC hdc, // device context of the outline font
DWORD first, // first glyph to be turned into a display list
DWORD count, // number of glyphs to be turned into display
// lists
DWORD listBase, // specifies the starting display list
FLOAT deviation, // specifies the maximum chordal deviation from
// the true outlines
FLOAT extrusion, // extrusion value in the negative z direction
int format, // specifies line segments or polygons in
// display lists
// address of buffer to receive glyph metric data
When the function succeeds, the return value is TRUE.
When the function fails, the return value is FALSE and no display lists are generated. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
The wglUseFontOutlines function defines the glyphs of an outline font with display lists in the current rendering context. The wglUseFontOutlines function works with TrueType fonts only; stroke and raster fonts are not supported.
Each display list consists of either line segments or polygons, and has a unique identifying number starting with the listBase number.
The wglUseFontOutlines function approximates glyph outlines by subdividing the quadratic B-spline curves of the outline into line segments, until the distance between the outline and the interpolated midpoint is within the value specified by deviation. This is the final format used when format is WGL_FONT_LINES. When you specify WGL_FONT_OUTLINES, the display lists created don't contain any normals; thus lighting doesn't work properly. To get the correct lighting of lines use WGL_FONT_POLYGONS and set glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE). When you specify format as WGL_FONT_POLYGONS the outlines are further tessellated into separate triangles, triangle fans, triangle strips, or quadrilateral strips to create the surface of each glyph. With WGL_FONT_POLYGONS, the created display lists call glFrontFace(GL_CW) or glFrontFace(GL_CCW); thus the current front-face value might be altered. For the best appearance of text with WGL_FONT_POLYGONS, cull the back faces as follows:
A GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT structure contains information about the placement and orientation of each glyph in a character cell. The lpgmf parameter is an array of GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT structures holding the entire set of glyphs for a font. Each display list ends with a translation specified with the gmfCellIncX and gmfCellIncY members of the corresponding GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT structure. The translation enables the drawing of successive characters in their natural direction with a single call to glCallLists.
Note With the current release of OpenGL for Windows NT and Windows 95, you cannot make GDI calls to a device context when a pixel format is double-buffered. You can work around this limitation by using wglUseFontOutlines and wglUseFontBitmaps, when using double-buffered device contexts.
The following code example shows how to draw text using wglUseFontOutlines:
HDC hdc; // A TrueType font has already been selected
HGLRC hglrc;
// Make hglrc the calling thread's current rendering context
wglMakeCurrent(hdc, hglrc);
// create display lists for glyphs 0 through 255 with 0.1 extrusion
// and default deviation. The display list numbering starts at 1000
// (it could be any number)
wglUseFontOutlines(hdc, 0, 255, 1000, 0.0f, 0.1f,
// Set up transformation to draw the string
glTranslate(0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f)
glScalef(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f);
// Display a string
glListBase(1000); // Indicates the start of display lists for the glyphs
// Draw the characters in a string
glCallLists(24, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, "Hello Win32 OpenGL World.");
Windows NT: Use version 3.5 and later.
Windows: Use Windows 95 and later.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in wingdi.h.
Import Library: Link with opengl32.lib.
OpenGL on Windows NT and Windows 95 Overview, WGL Functions, glCallLists, glListBase, glTexGen, GLYPHMETRICSFLOAT, wglUseFontBitmaps