Setting up Machine C, the Departmental Server

This machine represents a departmental server, and it has the following software configuration:

Setting up this machine is rather similar to the setup of machine B. However, since the ATLDept.dll is a DLL, we can't simply start it listening for calls as we did with ATLFinder.exe on machine B.

To install ATLDept.dll on this machine, follow these steps:

  1. Copy Regsvr32.exe into \Windows\System directory if it's not already there.

  2. Copy the ATL support DLL, atl.dll, over to \Windows\System directory.

  3. Run regsvr32 atl.dll.

  4. Copy the ATLDept.dll file over to the working directory.

  5. Run regsvr32 ATLDept.dll.

This is all that's necessary for this machine since it isn't accessing any remote server.

To make sure everything is running okay, start Object Viewer on machine C. In the left-hand pane, select ATLDept1 Class, double-click it to instantiate it. If you have a problem instantiating ATLDept locally, backtrack over the steps and correct any errors.

Once you can instantiate it locally, it's time to try it on machine B. First, however, since Windows 95 offers no remote launching facility (due to security issues), you need to start the server.