When Shouldn't You Use Scriptlets?

Scriptlets contain ordinary script code, which can be a disadvantage since the browser must interpret it before producing output. This is not a problem for small and simple components, but might be an issue when the size of the Scriptlet increases. A complex component such as a calendar, composed of a table and some ActiveX Form controls (i.e. combo boxes and text boxes) may take a while to load and respond. The corresponding Office 97 Calendar ActiveX control appears to load and run much faster. Here are some possible snags you should consider carefully before writing and distributing Scriptlets:

The lack of dedicated authoring tools is a drawback that should disappear over time. Topics such as licensing and protection might become a central issue if Scriptlets succeed in populating the Windows 98 desktop and folders. Reusable components must be safely and easily distributable, and this issue will need careful consideration when you choose your development strategy.