This section summarizes requirements related to specifications and standards for SCSI peripherals.
12. SCSI bus parity signal meets SCSI-2 specification
All SCSI peripherals must implement the SCSI bus parity signal defined in the SCSI-2 specification.
13. Cables meet SCSI-3 Clause 6 requirements
Clause 6 of the SCSI-3 specification defines the various characteristics of cables for SCSI devices.
14. User cannot incorrectly plug in cables
For an internal configuration, the internal SCSI bus cable must be plugged into shrouded and keyed connectors on the host adapter and devices. This ensures that the cable is properly positioned. Pin 1 orientation must be designed on one edge of the ribbon cable and also on the keyed connector of the SCSI peripheral device.
For an external configuration, the SCSI connector must not use the same connector type as any non-SCSI connector on the system.
15. External devices use automatic termination or an accessible on-board termination switch
The recommended implementation for an external SCSI peripheral device is to provide automatic termination. In the absence of automatic termination, an external pluggable terminator must be connected to the last open device connector on a bus. If a mechanical means is provided for setting termination, the switch must be accessible to the user without opening the PC case.
16. Shielded device connector meets SCSI-2 or higher specification
Device connectors must meet the specifications defined in the SCSI-2 or higher specification.
17. Removable media includes media status notification support
A specification has not yet been completed for implementing media event status notification. However, the projected specification will be similar to the Media Event Status Notification subsection of SFF 8090 (Mt. Fuji specification). This specification is available at
When a completed specification is available, support for media status notification will become a requirement.