Installation Service Reply

In this state, the client must be prepared to receive an extended DHCPACKNOWLEDGE message from the installation server. The following table lists the required values in the fields of this message:

DHCP Header
Field (length) Value Comment
op (1) 2 Code for BOOTP REPLY
htype (1) *
hlen (1) *
hops (1) *
xid (4) *
secs (2) *
flags (2) *
ciaddr (4) PXE client always sets this value to
yiaddr (4) a0, a1, a2, a3 Client&rsquo’s IP address. Provided by server
siaddr (4) a0, a1, a2, a3 Next bootstrap server IP address
giaddr (4) *
chaddr (16) * Client&rsquo’s MAC address
sname (64) * Can be overloaded if using Opt 66
bootfile (128) * Can be overloaded if using Opt 67
DHCP Options
Tag Name Tag Number Length Type Data Field
Client UUID/GUID 97 17 20 per Attachment K
Tag Name Tag Number Length Field Data Field
DHCP Message Type 53 1 4 = DHCPACKNOWLEDGE
Server Identifier 54 4 a1, a2, a3, a4
Encapsulated Vendor Options (DHCP Option #43)
Tag Name Tag Number Length Field Data Field
DHCP_VENDOR 43 varies Encapsulated options below
(Multiple DHCP_VENDOR options can be used)
"PXEClient" Encapsulated Options for DHCP Option #43
Tag Name Tag Number Length Field Data Field
PXE_PAD 0 None None
MTFP IP Addr 1 4 a0, a1, a2, a3
MTFTP Client UDP 2 2 Port Number
MTFTP Server UDP 3 2 Port Number
MTFTP Start Delay 4 1
MTFTP Timeout Delay 5 1
PXE_END 255 None

The options fields in this message must include the following: