SD '94 Memories

From the desk of Dr. GUI

I had the privilege to meet many of you in the member lounge at the SD '94 conference held in Washington, D.C. during the first week of October. I will never forget you folks. How could I? The first character I met was James. James' conference badge indicated his title as "Psych." We talked at length about old technology. When he left he told me to simply put an "o" on the end of his title. Sounds good to me, James. Then there was Peter. Peter is a real doctor at the National Institutes of Health. He became disenchanted with medicine during his internship and turned to kinetic modeling. Sounds a bit like me (although I was never a real doctor and I have never done kinetic modeling!). His favorite disease? Ornithosis, a disease spread by pigeon droppings. I think that he made a wise move out of medicine, don't you? And what about Rusty? A FoxPro nut whose business card bills him as a ski instructor! What was he doing at SD '94? If you ever go to Whitetail, just look for some guy carrying a laptop on the ski lift.

I had fun. I hope all of you did too. I still owe many of you e-mail with follow-ups, so hang in there. Your questions may appear in this column in the future.