'Round the World with CompuServe

Service provides lots of online developer resources

Darrell Craig
Developer Network Product Manager

Software developers compete in an industry that is sometimes biased toward North America and the English language.

Luckily, online services provide a mechanism for transcending linguistic barriers—a developer with a modem and the appropriate communications software has access not only to information available to North American developers, but also to valuable localized information, country-specific information, and local support.

For those who have not tapped into this virtual community of online software developers, this article should provide a starting point for exploring some of the developer-related services available on the CompuServe Information Service (CIS). Online veterans may discover some new areas to investigate.

Forums galore

CompuServe is available in more than 120 countries. It is the oldest and largest online service, and it has more than 800 computer and software vendor forums, plus well-established developer-related forums.

International software developers will find local-language and content-based services in Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Netherlands, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom.

Microsoft sponsors the following local-language forums: MS Benelux, MS Central Europe, MS Central Europe Systems, MS France, MS Italy, MS Spain/Latin America, and MS Sweden.

The benefits of participating

Developers benefit in many ways by participating in these forums. By using the forums to exchange messages, developers can share programming tips and tricks, offer support to others, communicate directly with Microsoft staff, and even conduct business from time to time. The MS Central Europe forum (GO MSCE) has both active message threads and continuously updated libraries of downloadable files.

For example, on a recent day 13 files were uploaded to the MS Tricks and Tips library section in the MS Central Europe forum. Other categories include Multimedia and a busy Shareware and Freeware library (which includes a popular file with 900 icons for Windows 3.x). All German-speaking developers, regardless of location, may want to peruse this section. The MS France forum (GO MSFR) has particularly active message threads on development issues related to the Windows SDK, Win32 SDK, and Microsoft Foundation Class Library (MFC). The MS France forum also includes valuable files such as the French edition of VBRUN300.DLL (search for file- name VBR300.ZIP).

Another great source of information for international developers is the Windows SDK Extensions forum (GO WINEXT), with libraries dedicated to the Far East SDK and the Arabic/Hebrew SDK.

For example, the Far East SDK library includes a wealth of resources, including Microsoft Far East TrueType Font Files version 1.0, an updated version of WIN87EM.DLL that ships with Windows 3.1J, the August 1994 version of the People's Republic of China (PRC) glossary, and more.

CompuServe also has many product-specific forums. The FoxPro forums (GO FOXFORUM and GO FOXUSER) are among the best examples of what can be done online for the software developer. The libraries of both these forums contain lots of timely, valuable information for developers.

A recent random peek in the FOXFORUM library section on Windows platform development reveals a job listing for a two-month contract in Germany, a public domain integrated browser, and a utility allowing users to preview and print font samples based on installed fonts in Windows 3.1. Other product-related forums of relevance to developers can be found by typing GO MSDEVPROD.

The Microsoft Developer Network delivers a customized version of WinCIM, an application that serves as a graphical front end to CompuServe, in its Development Library. WinCIM provides icons that let you jump easily and quickly into the developer-related areas of the Microsoft Connection area on CompuServe. WinCIM is currently available in English, French, and German versions; the Spanish-language version is scheduled for release in late 1994.

The Development Library also includes information on joining the CompuServe Information Service. For more information on CompuServe within the United States, call (800) 524-3388 and ask for representative 230. Outside the United States, call (+1) (614) 529-1340 and ask for representative 230.

Darrell Craig is a marketing maven in the Microsoft Developer Network. He was voted most likely to succeed by his fellow floor-show participants during the most recent COMDEX.