Developer Network Now Offers BackOffice Test Platform

September 12, 1995

The Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) has inaugurated a Level 3 membership that will provide developers with all the server components of the Microsoft BackOffice family for developing and testing BackOffice applications.

Specifically, Level 3 members will receive the BackOffice Test Platform, a set of CDs with the latest released versions of all five components of BackOffice version 1.5: Windows NT Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SNA Server, Microsoft Systems Management Server, and Microsoft Mail Server. In addition, Level 3 members will receive the Microsoft Exchange Server Beta 2 and the BackOffice Software Development Kit (SDK). (After this, the BackOffice SDK with be shipped as part of the Development Platform.)

The BackOffice Test Platform will be available as a special five-connection-limit version of BackOffice, designed to provide an easy-to-administer licensing model for developers.

In addition, an annual Level 3 membership includes four regular quarterly updates for the year, plus special "off-cycle" premium shipments of important BackOffice releases, such as Microsoft Exchange and the server version of "Cairo," the next version of Windows NT.

"With Level 3 we're extending the MSDN model to client-server development using BackOffice," explained MSDN business unit manager John Rae-Grant, as he tried to concentrate on playing a particularly challenging six-diamond bid during an international bridge tournament in Milan, Italy. "The idea is to put the most up-to-date technology in the hands of the widest array of BackOffice application developers."

Level 3 members also get all the benefits of a Level 2 membership, which includes quarterly releases of the Development Platform and the Development Library and six issues of this rag per year.

Level 3 members in the United States and Canada also receive four phone support incidents, which provide one-on-one help for their development needs. Two support incidents are provided for the SDKs, DDKs, and operating systems that are part of the Development Platform; the other two are provided for BackOffice setup and installation support issues. Please note that "mission-critical" support and "quick fixes" are not included with Level 3 membership, but are available through the Microsoft Support Network.

Moving to client-server development

"With Level 2, MSDN has provided developers client-server technology via Microsoft's SDKs and end-user operating systems," MSDN group product manager Keith Szot noted. "Now with Level 3, MSDN is trying to provide greater focus on client-server development by also delivering the back-end platform technology for testing and development."

All BackOffice server components share the same Win32 API and OLE component software technology. In addition, the same Win32 API is used on both the client and server ends. This means that developers don't have to learn two sets of APIs to develop an application.

"With Level 2, we tried to make it as easy as possible for Windows developers to get a wide range of systems technology from one source," explained Development Platform program manager Steve Molstad as he rushed out of a Redmond 7-Eleven clutching a Big Gulp®. "Now we are trying to extend that approach to developing and testing server-side apps. Hopefully, with Level 3, developers won't have to worry about keeping up with the latest BackOffice components. They'll be assured of getting them in a timely way with the quarterly releases of the Test Platform."

Providing BackOffice technical articles and samples

In its quest to provide developers with real-world, useful information and guidance, along with the BackOffice components, MSDN has unleashed some of its best development talent on BackOffice. Those infamous MSDN development technology writers Dennis Crain and Nigel Thompson have created a fictitious company called NADTEC, using only shipping versions or publicly available beta versions of Microsoft products. "NADTEC is about two guys trying to make heads-or-tails of BackOffice and letting the world benefit from their explorations and solutions," Crain explained.

MSDN subscribers can interact with NADTEC through the Internet and direct dial-up phone lines. In effect, they can use NADTEC's experience to observe and learn from the process of setting up and using a BackOffice environment. They can also see how to develop for the Internet, use e-mail gateways, and configure BackOffice servers.

Thompson and Crain are using their NADTEC experience to write technical articles and sample code that address and solve common issues faced by BackOffice developers. "We hope to provide a great demonstration of what a small company can do to develop tools and content for the Internet," Thompson said.

To see what NADTEC has on the Internet, go to

Level 3 pricing and licensing

The licensing scheme for the BackOffice Test Platform shipped through Level 3 is different from the full BackOffice package. It is limited to five connections to the products on the BackOffice Test Platform at any one time. This licensing scheme is designed to provide developers with an easy-to-administer, cost-effective way to develop and test BackOffice applications. Development teams do not need to purchase any additional client licenses to connect to the Test Platform.

Level 3 will be available in September, approximately two weeks after the release of Microsoft BackOffice 1.5. MSDN is offering special introductory pricing to encourage early enrollment in the new Level 3 program. Until December 15, 1995, a one-year subscription costs US$1195 ($1675 CAN). A Level 2 upgrade to Level 3 is US$995 ($1395 CAN).

After December 15, 1995, the cost of Level 3 will be US$1495 ($2095 CAN), and a Level 2 upgrade will be US$1195 ($1675 CAN). Taxes, shipping, and handling charges will be additional.

MSDN expects to roll out Level 3 on a worldwide basis in September. For more information on Level 3 in the United States and Canada, please call (800) 759-5474. Outside the U.S. and Canada, please contact your local MSDN program.