Ear Problems: I’ve got CD-ROMs Coming out of Mine (Unwanted CDs)

Dear Dr. GUI:

Every quarter, the MS Development Platform CD-ROMs arrive with more and more CDs. Though it’s fun looking at all the characters of the Korean Hangeul distribution, we need only about a quarter of all the discs. Of course we could use the other three quarters to decorate the walls, but in the end it’s a waste of polycarbonate. As we are aware of environmental issues, we would like to have a more individual set of CD-ROMs. Is that possible?

Christian Treber

Dr. GUI replies:

My, you DO have interesting ears—with CD-ROMs spilling out of them. But Dr. GUI has just the thing to keep some of the CD-ROMs from coming out of your ears.

Recently, the Developer Network started shipping the MSDN Platform in three packages. Pack 1, the U.S. Pack, contains all of the SDKs and U.S. versions of the operating systems. Pack 2, the International Pack, contains all of the non-U.S. operating systems, drivers, extensions, and SDKs, including Far East versions. Pack 3, the DDK Pack, contains device driver kits for all Microsoft operating systems.

Contact the Developer Network to change the packs you receive.

In your situation, you probably want European, but not Far Eastern, operating systems, since you’re in Germany. We don’t have a way to do that today, but we’re working to figure out a distribution system that will better match customers’ exact needs.