Ask Dr. Gui #29
(Remember, not only is he not a real doctor, but he also doesn't remotely resemble George Clooney.)
August 1996
Have a question? Dr. GUI's busy operating schedule won't allow this highly trained medical practitioner to answer all questions, but the Good Doctor will respond to as many as possible in the next release of the Microsoft Development Library. Send your questions to:
Microsoft Developer Network
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399Fax: (206) 936-7329, Attn: Developer Network
Dr. GUI is delighted to report, after all the excitement of earlier months (Dr. G's gender and species reassignments, trips to the desert, and, biggest of all, a brand new Microsoft) that for the last two months nothing so interesting has happened to the doctor. Disappointed? Deal with it.
Let's get back to the phones.
Questions in this issue:
32767 Limit with CDC Drawing Functions?
New Occupation Direction: Visual Basic
Programming Microsoft Internet Explorer
Language-Dependent Access and Shortcut Keys in Visual Basic Menus