I have just contracted a Word macro virus (I think). My virus checking program (F-Prot) reported an infected file ..\NORMAL.DOT containing the Word Macro/Concept search string.
Any assistance in getting rid of this thing would be greatly appreciated.
Ron Ford
Now here's a question the good Doctor can sink his stethoscope into. Virusesespecially the computer typeare a specialty.
In people, viruses are hard to treat. There aren't many anti-viral drugs, so the prescription is often to just rest until your body takes care of itself.
In computers, viruses are very treatablecertainly not a hard pill to swallow. Microsoft offers free add-ons and file scanners for both Word and Microsoft Excel (the first Microsoft Excel virus was recently discovered). Seek a cure at http://www.microsoft.com/msword and http://www.microsoft.com/msexcel. Also, Word version 7.0a has virus protection built in.