Dr. GUI's been having the best time with all the new technology toys. Internet Explorer 3.0, Internet Explorer 4.0, Visual J++, Visual C++ 4.2, the ActiveX Control Padthere's so much to learn and use and have fun with.
And indeed it is great fun to have easy-to-develop, cool (if not entirely svelte), MFC-based ActiveX controls, including OCX 96 features, all with Visual C++ 4.2. And the fastest Java just-in-time compiler in the universe.
Visualize da bug
That's not to mention the ability to debug applets running in a browser and talk to each other using the visual debugger in Visual J++. (In fact, you can even debug Java applets from the Web by using Visual J++ and displaying Java byte codes. If you have access to the source and have a class file with debugging information, you can even debug at source level.) Not to mention Java applets that talk toand function asCOM objects.
Ready for more?
You can write Web pages using the ActiveX Control Pad to script any number of ActiveX controls with your choice of JScript (Microsoft's implementation of JavaScript) or Visual Basic Scripting Edition, because the Script Wizard does it all for you. (This is a Wizard we oughta put into other products.) Dr. GUI's spent many happy hours hooking up ActiveX controls and HTML buttons and making them do strange (but medically possible) things.