But Isn't that a Little Forward of You? Forward Declarations

Dr. GUI:

I have the following class construct in an .H file:

struct S
X:Etype a;
class X
enum Etype { LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN };
void Check(S& first, S& second);

This does not compile since X::Etype is not defined. But I can't put the definition of struct S after the definition of X, since X has a function, Check, which depends on references to S.

Is there a way around this?

Mark Graham

Dr. GUI replies:

The good doctor has always believed in proper declarations, and so does Visual C++—so you're sure stuck here!

Thankfully, the designers of Visual C++ foresaw this problem and made a provision for forward declarations. Since you are just passing references to X::Check, you need to use a forward declaration of struct S.

struct S;
class X
enum Etype { LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN };
void Check(S& first, S& second);
struct S
X:Etype a;