Dear Dr. GUI,
We are trying to redistribute the DAO files with our software and must launch the DAO setup during the installation. However, we were not given the "setup.rul" file and cannot find it anywhere and it is necessary for us to have it in order for our installation to execute properly. If you know where this file is hiding, please let me know so that we can make use of it. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Lora Leighton
Dr. GUI replies:
You've heard about cases where a doctor leaves a sponge in the patient and sutures them up? Well, this is one of those cases—we didn't ship the right files with Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x. But the cure is easier than surgery. Check out "PATCH: Updated DAO Redistributable Components" (MSDN Library, Knowledge Base article Q160554) for downloadable files and instructions.