Building Multitiered Client/Server Apps with Visual Basic 4.0 Enterprise Edition, Part II
by Jenny Notestein
Jenny Notestein is an enterprise development consultant in the New York financial district. She can be reached at
This is the second part of a three-part series on enterprise development in the corporate world using Microsoft¨ Visual Basic® 4.0 Enterprise Edition. In this series, Im examining whats involved in building a robust, multitiered client/server application for a corporate client. The application Im building is a data-warehouse-type decision support reporting system for line managers that is designed to use the features of Visual Basic, ActiveX™ technology, and BackOffice™ to provide an elegant solution to a real-world business need.
In Part I, "Building Multitiered Client/Server Apps with Visual Basic 4.0 Enterprise Edition" (MSJ, November 1996), I looked at developing the architecture of a 32-bit application, including the basic properties and methods of its components (its referred to in this article as the Reporting System API). This month Ill focus on the implementation phase, doing some serious development of the applications Request Broker, virtual data object, and Report Builder components. Ill cover implementation issues such as security, pool management, optimization, and internationalization. Finally, Ill build support for a Web browser viewer that works with Microsoft Internet In-formation Server (IIS) to display a finished report as an HTML page.
In Part III of this series Ill wrap up the implementation and cover rollout issues such as quality assurance, ongoing maintenance, and enhancement requests. After I finish the application, Ill take a look at hot-and-fresh Visual Basic 5.0 for dessert.
In Our Last EpisodeÉ
Before I jump into implementing my application, Ill briefly review its structure. The system is a generic data-warehouse-type reporting facility designed as a decision support tool for business line managers. Its written in 32-bit Visual Basic 4.0 Enterprise Edition and runs on Windows NT¨ 4.0 Workstation for the user service component, and Windows NT 4.0 Advanced Server for the business service components. My reporting system extracts data and compiles useful reports from a wide variety of existing DBMSs commonly found in corporate enterprises.
The standard personnel-type reports that are used as examples in this article are just thatsimple examples. This system is designed with a flexible architecture; components can be built to produce virtually any business report desired. I chose the Employee Info example because its a great fit for the demo data that I lifted from the Northwind database that ships with Microsoft Access.
The basic user service component is called the Reporter, which runs locally on users desktops. It includes a wizard interface through which the user chooses a report, selects a preferred format for viewing the report, and enters any required parameters. The data used to populate the wizard pages and the information the user enters on those pages are handled by the primary business service componentthe Request Brokerwhich is an ActiveX server.
The Request Broker passes the information collected through the wizard to a specific virtual data object business service component. A separate virtual data object ActiveX server will be prebuilt for each of the reports available to the user, although the API for every virtual data object remains the same. Each virtual data object will connect to the appropriate data services and construct the query or queries necessary to build the resultset from which the desired report can be built. The resultset is then cached in an SQL Serverª 6.5 business service component. The virtual data object passes the location of this data to the Request Broker.
The Request Broker passes the location of the resultset to a specific Report Builder business service component. A separate Report Builder ActiveX server will be prebuilt to format a cached resultset into one of the formats offered to the user, such as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, a comma-delimited file, or an HTML page, again using the Reporting System API. The Report Builder deposits the completed report in the data cache and passes its location to the Request Broker. The Request Broker passes the location of the completed report to the Reporter running on the users workstation, which displays the report to the user in a Viewer.
Report Build Message Object, Unstubbed
In Part I, I talked about the application employing a report build message object, which contains the two-way messages used to build the wizard pages and collect the data entered in them by the user. The wizard-building data was previously stubbed. This stubbed information has now been replaced with real, live data.
Since two of my goals are to build a thin client and to take advantage of the Services model for distributed application design, the data for the report build message object has been neatly stored in a database out on the business service SQL Server 6.5 component. Tables in this database provide the originating content for the messages, which comes down from the server on a per-report basis each time the application is run. Figure 1 shows an entity-relationship diagram of the database design.
Figure 1 Entity relationships
The major entity for my reporting system is, of course, the report. The reports table contains the name of each report, its description, and the ID of the virtual data object that will retrieve the data for the report. The fields table contains the fields that are presented to the user through the wizard interface, from which the user chooses the filtering values that are built into the Where clause of the virtual data objects SQL statement. Each virtual data object is built to contain the projection clause of the Select statement used to retrieve the necessary resultset or sets from databases across the enterprise.
Down the road, I might want to add a column to the fields table called UI_Name that includes a friendly name more suitable for displaying in the user interface than the counterintuitive names commonly found in databasesparticularly in legacy systemswhere the attribute names are typically abbreviated, concatenated, truncated, oddly prefixed, and otherwise mutilated. At present, Im simply aliasing the names in the Select statements against this table.
New to this version of my application are the viewer type components of the report build message object, which contain the information on how the report is presented to the user. Each report has a number of available viewer types, from which the user selects one. Behind the scenes, each viewer type corresponds to a Report Builder ActiveX server and a viewer component of the Reporter application on the client.
A many-to-many relationship exists between the fields and the filters and between the reports and the viewer types. The MTM tables in Figure 1 are the correlative links for these relationships.
Building the tables on SQL Server 6.5 is a straightforward process using the Manage Tables component of the Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager, which provides an interface for defining fields (datatypes, lengths, and so on), creating indexes (primary, clustered, and so on), and granting permissions (at the user/group or object levels). The Generate SQL Scripts applet of the Enterprise Manager extracts the data definition language (DDL) so that it can be hand-modified and re-executed when necessaryfor example, to delete a column during development or to execute some other functionality that is not directly provided by the Manage Tables interface. The DDL for the fields table is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 DLL of Fields Table
/* Microsoft SQL Server - Scripting */
/* Server: MSI_NJ_SERVER */
/* Database: RequestBroker */
/* Creation Date 11/3/96 4:39:03 PM */
/*** Object: User RequestBroker Script Date: 11/3/96 4:39:04 PM ***/
if not exists (select * from sysusers where name = 'RequestBroker' and uid <
EXEC sp_adduser 'RequestBroker', 'RequestBroker', 'public'
/*** Object: Table dbo.t_Fields Script Date: 11/3/96 4:39:04 PM ***/
if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id(dbo.t_Fields) and
sysstat & 0xf = 3)
drop table dbo.t_Fields
/*** Object: Table dbo.t_Fields Script Date: 11/3/96 4:39:04 PM ***/
CREATE TABLE dbo.t_Fields (
ID int NULL ,
Report_ID int NULL ,
Name varchar (255) NULL ,
DataType smallint NULL ,
Description varchar (255) NULL ,
Size smallint NULL ,
Value varchar (255) NULL ,
SelectedFilter smallint NULL
GRANT SELECT ON t_Fields TO public
The Application in Action
When the user clicks the Request Wizard button in the Reporter executable, it invokes the Request Brokers GetReportsList method (shown in Figure 3), which goes out to the SQL Server and looks in the reports table for the list of available reports.
Figure 3 GetReportsList
Public Sub GetReportsList(asReportList() As String)
'Has been changed from a Test Harness/Stub for Reporter
' to develop against.
' Now draws data from Data Cache to build message structure.
Dim oResultset As rdoResultset
Set oResultset = oConnection.OpenResultset("Select * from _
t_Reports", rdOpenKeyset, rdConcurReadOnly)
ReDim asReportList(1, oResultset.RowCount) As String
Dim iRowCount As Integer
Do While Not oResultset.EOF
asReportList(0, iRowCount) = oResultset.rdoColumns("Name")
asReportList(1, iRowCount) = _
iRowCount = iRowCount + 1
Set oResultset = Nothing
End Sub
The user selects a report from the Pick a Report listbox of the wizard, which fires the click event code shown in Figure 4. The wizard then populates the Pick a Viewer Type listbox by calling the GetReportDescription method of the Re-quest Broker (see Figure 5). The name of the selected report and an empty message structure are passed in to GetReportDescription.
Figure 4 1stReportList
Private Sub lstReportList_Click()
'Populate the ViewerType list on report selection
sbMain.Panels.Item(1).Text = asReportsList _
(1, lstReportList.ListIndex)
Set oMessage = Nothing
oRequestBroker.GetReportDescription lstReportList.Text, oMessage
Dim iLoop As Integer
For iLoop = 1 To oMessage.ViewerTypes.Count
lstViewerType.AddItem oMessage.ViewerTypes.Item(iLoop).Name
Next iLoop
End Sub
The message structure consists of three parts: header information, fields information, and viewer type information. The addition of the viewer type object doesnt break the original code from the first article; it does change the type library, which means that all the components of the reporting system need to be recompiled, since they all contain references to the type library for early binding.
The header contains the name of the report thats passed in to GetReportDescription. In addition, the header generates a unique ID that will let me store and identify these message structures on a collection queue if the application is changed in the future to execute asynchronously.
The header and viewer type objects are relatively sparse at present, but they are built as objects in order to leave room for expanding properties and methods as the application develops in the future. Passing them around as variables or arrays would limit my ability to expand their richness without breaking existing code.
The fields information, previously populated with dummy data, is now populated with data from the SQL Server 6.5 data cache. The Select statement shown in the Load Field Information section of Figure 5 is used for generating the All Employees report. This is where I alias the fields to produce more user-friendly column headers when I get the data back.
Figure 5 GetReportDescription
Public Sub GetReportDescription(sName As String, oMessage As _
'Report-building message structure is built here by using the passed-in
' report name to query the database
'Load Header Information ====================
oMessage.Header.ReportName = sName
oMessage.Header.ReportID = sUniqueName
'Load Field Information =======================
Dim oResultset As rdoResultset
Dim sSQL As String
sSQL = "select t_Reports.Description as ReportDescription, _
t_Fields.Name as FieldsName, t_Fields.DataType, " & _
"t_Fields.Description as FieldsDescription, t_Fields.Size, _
t_Fields.Value, " & _
"t_Fields.SelectedFilter, t_Filters_Selected.Name as _
FiltersSelectedName, t_Filters.Name as FiltersName, " & _
"t_Filters.Description as FiltersDescription from t_Fields, _
t_Fields_MTM_Filters, t_Filters, " & _
"t_Filters t_Filters_Selected, t_Reports where t_Reports.Name = '" _
& sName & "' and " & _
"t_Fields.Report_ID = t_Reports.ID and " & _
"t_Fields.ID = t_Fields_MTM_Filters.Field_ID and " & _
"t_Fields_MTM_Filters.Filter_ID = t_Filters.ID and " & _
"t_Fields.SelectedFilter = t_Filters_Selected.ID order by _
t_Reports.ID, t_Fields.ID, t_Filters.ID"
Set oResultset = oConnection.OpenResultset(sSQL, rdOpenKeyset, _
Dim sCurrentFieldName As String
Dim sCurrentFilterName As String
'Do While there are records
Do While Not oResultset.EOF
'Set Current name
sCurrentFieldName = oResultset.rdoColumns("FieldsName")
'Create a Field object
oMessage.Fields.Create sCurrentFieldName
'Set Field properties
With oMessage.Fields.Item(sCurrentFieldName)
'Cast rdo data types
.Name = sCurrentFieldName
.DataType = vFixRDOData(oResultset.rdoColumns("DataType"))
.Description = vFixRDOData _
.Size = vFixRDOData(oResultset.rdoColumns("Size"))
.Value = vFixRDOData(oResultset.rdoColumns("Value"))
.SelectedFilter = vFixRDOData _
End With
'Do While We are on the same Field and have records
Do While Not oResultset.EOF
If sCurrentFieldName <> oResultset.rdoColumns _
("FieldsName") Then Exit Do
'Set current filter name
sCurrentFilterName = oResultset.rdoColumns("FiltersName")
'Create the filter object and set its properties
With oMessage.Fields.Item(sCurrentFieldName).Filters
.Create sCurrentFilterName
With .Item(sCurrentFilterName)
.Name = vFixRDOData _
.Description = vFixRDOData _
End With
End With
'Go to the next record
'Load Viewer Information ======================
sSQL = "Select t_ViewerTypes.Name from t_Reports, _
t_Reports_MTM_ViewerTypes, t_ViewerTypes where " & _
"t_Reports.Name = '" & sName & "' and " & _
"t_Reports.ID = t_Reports_MTM_ViewerTypes.Report_ID and " & _
"t_Reports_MTM_ViewerTypes.ViewerType_ID = t_ViewerTypes.ID " & _
"order by t_ViewerTypes.Name"
Set oResultset = oConnection.OpenResultset(sSQL, rdOpenKeyset, _
Do While Not oResultset.EOF
oMessage.ViewerTypes.Create (oResultset.rdoColumns("Name"))
oMessage.ViewerTypes.Item((oResultset.rdoColumns("Name"))) _
.Name = (oResultset.rdoColumns("Name"))
Set oResultset = Nothing
End Sub
At this point, the user selects a viewer type to continue with the wizard, which looks like Figure 6. The field information is then entered as the filter values in the continuing pages of the wizard (see Figure 7). After the user clicks the Finished button, the code in Figure 8 executes, which loads a ReportRunning form that is displayed while the data is fetched and processed into the report.
Figure 6 Request Wizard reports and viewers
Figure 7 Entering more info in the Request Wizard
The Request Broker now needs to hand off the report build information to a virtual data object to fetch the desired data. To get the name of the virtual data object, the SubmitReportRequest method of the Request Broker (shown in Figure 9) does a join between the reports table and the virtual data objects table using the report name passed in the message. This gives me the name of the object I want to create as the virtual data object.
Figure 8 Finished
If pbMain.Value = pbMain.Max Then
'Hide the Wizard
'Load the ReportRunning form, configure,
' center, then show it
Load frmReportRunning
CenterChild frmReporter, frmReportRunning
frmReportRunning.Message oMessage.Header.ReportName
oReportDone.ViewerType = oMessage.Header.ReportType
oReportDone.ReportName = oMessage.Header.ReportName
'Submit the request
oRequestBroker.SubmitReportRequest oMessage, oReportDone
'Being synchronous, when we hit this point, the report
' is done
Unload frmReportRunning
Unload Me
'Call the routine that will look at the oReportDone
' message and display the report
ProcessResults oReportDone
Exit Sub
End If
Ive written a relatively simple virtual data object called EmployeeFinancial that provides a complete illustration of the flow process of the Reporting System API as it interacts with the other objects in the loop. EmployeeFinancial analyzes the messages it receives from the Request Broker, puts together a SQL statement, retrieves the data from an ODBC datasource, and caches the resultset in the SQL Server 6.5 data cache, again using ODBC. It then tells the Request Broker where the resultset is, hiding all of the steps necessary to get the data from all other components but itself.
Figure 9 SubmitReportRequest
Public Sub SubmitReportRequest(oMessage As ReportBuildMessage, _
oReportDone As ReportDone)
'It is here that we Handle a requested Report
Dim oResultset As rdoResultset
Dim sSQL As String
Dim oVDO As Object
Select Case oMessage.Header.ReportType
'In places like this we should be using the IDs but I've
' elected to use the string names everywhere to make it
' easier to follow and understand
Case "Excel"
'To be added
Case "HTML"
sSQL = "Select t_VDOs.* from t_Reports, t_VDOs where _
t_Reports.Name = '" & _
oMessage.Header.ReportName & "' and t_VDOs.ID = _
t_Reports.VDO_ID "
Set oResultset = oConnection.OpenResultset(sSQL, _
rdOpenKeyset, rdConcurReadOnly)
Set oVDO = CreateObject(oResultset.rdoColumns("Name"))
Set oResultset = Nothing
oVDO.BuildResultset oMessage, oReportDone
If oReportDone.ReportError = "" Then
'Process Resultset into an HTML Report
Set foBuilder = CreateObject("ReportBuilder" & _
oReportDone.ViewerType & ".ReportBuilder")
foBuilder.Build oReportDone
Set oVDO = Nothing
End If
Case "Tab Delimited"
'To be added
End Select
'Transfer the type
oReportDone.ViewerType = oMessage.Header.ReportType
End Sub
From an architectural standpoint, the SQL-generating code belongs to the virtual data objects and not the Request Broker, since virtual data objects are the only ones that know what they have to do to build the finished resultset. If, in the future, a group of virtual data objects is developed that all login to the same set of datasources and provide similar functionality, I could migrate out some of the shared functionality into a common module thats used by those objects. But this functionality should remain decoupled from the Request Broker because a virtual data object might have to do some pretty complex things to get the data, such as: running macros that insert new operators into the messages as they convert user-friendly options from the wizard interface into meaningful SQL; translating the SQL for different target database engines; and performing complex joins across multiple datasources. Only the individual virtual data object will understand the business rules required to fulfill the request.
After the Request Brokers SubmitReportRequest method identifies and creates the virtual data object, it calls the BuildResultset method of the virtual data object (see Figure 10), passing it the message object with all of the stuff that it has accumulated so far, plus the ReportDone object, which is the message I use for conveying information about the completion process of the report. This replaces the callback function used in the first part of this series. (As a plot complication, the callback function turns out to be more overhead than necessary since Ive committed to synchronous execution. Ill go over this more thoroughly in the Pool Manager section.)
Figure 10 BuildResultset
Public Sub BuildResultset(oMessage As ReportBuildMessage, _
oReportDone As ReportDone)
Dim oResultset As rdoResultset
Set oResultset = oConnectionSource.OpenResultset _
(GenerateSQL(oMessage), rdOpenKeyset, rdConcurReadOnly)
oReportDone.Report = CacheData(oResultset)
End Sub
When the virtual data object is initialized (see Figure 11), it does whats required to make contact with the ODBC datasource names (DSNs) that its going to work with. In my EmployeeFinancial example, two separate DSNs are preconfigured on the business server machine for the virtual data object to use, one for the source data and another for the target database in the data cache. These two DSNs use different user IDs and passwords to connect to different databases that both, for my example, reside in the local SQL Server 6.5.
Figure 11 Class Initialize
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set oEnvironmentVDO = rdoEngine.rdoCreateEnvironment _
("VDO Employee Financial", "VDOEmployeeFinancial", _
Set oConnectionSource = oEnvironmentVDO.OpenConnection _
("EmployeeFinancial", rdDriverNoPrompt, False, "")
Set oEnvironmentCache = rdoEngine.rdoCreateEnvironment _
("VDO Cache", "VDOCache", "vdocache")
Set oConnectionCache = oEnvironmentCache.OpenConnection _
("VDO", rdDriverNoPrompt, False, "")
End Sub
The BuildResultset method of the virtual data object then calls the GenerateSQL function shown in Figure 12. GenerateSQL takes the message object, walks the fields, pulls out the information the user has supplied, and builds the SQL statement from it. If the field value is nothing, then the user didnt input any data, so its ignored. In this relatively simple example, the Where clause is built from the field name, the selected filter, the field value, and an And operator.
Im using the real field names and filter names in the message object to make constructing the SQL statement a clear process. As I mentioned earlier with respect to UI names, I might want to build in support at the table level for translating the real names into something easier for users to digest when populating the messages to build the wizard. These user-friendly names would then be replaced with the actual database field names here in GenerateSQL.
Figure 12 GenerateSQL
Private Function GenerateSQL(oMessage As ReportBuildMessage) As String
Dim sSQL As String
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim oField As Object
For iLoop = 1 To oMessage.Fields.Count
Set oField = oMessage.Fields.Item(iLoop)
If oField.Value <> "" Then
Select Case oField.DataType
Case 1
sSQL = sSQL & oField.Name & " " & _
oField.SelectedFilter & " '" & _
oField.Value & "' and "
Case 2, 3
sSQL = sSQL & oField.Name & " " & _
oField.SelectedFilter & " " & oField.Value & " and "
End Select
End If
Next iLoop
'Remove last and
If iLoop > 0 Then
sSQL = Left(sSQL, Len(sSQL) - 4)
End If
sSQL = "Select * from t_Employees where " & _
sSQL & " order by LastName, FirstName"
sSQL = "Select * from dbo.t_Employees where " & _
sSQL & " order by LastName, FirstName"
#End If
GenerateSQL = sSQL
End Function
The GenerateSQL function includes syntax for conditionally compiling the final SQL statement, depending on whether the database engine used is Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 or Microsoft Access. I included this feature because I figured that most people out in MSJ-land have a copy of Microsoft Access hanging around, but might not have a copy of SQL Server available for testing the reporting system. Accordingly, the project files include an .mdb with the tables and data necessary to run the application. Using the Upsizing Wizard, this .mdb can be scaled up to SQL Server or simply exported, if desired.
Its worth mentioning that Visual Basic compiler constants declared in code cannot be scoped beyond the module in which they are declared. The only way to define a compiler constant at the project level is through the Options dialog from the Tools menu (see Figure 13).
Figure 13 Conditional compilation
The virtual data objects last job is to cache the data that it retrieves. The resultset is passed to the CacheData function, shown in Figure 14. CacheData calls CreateCacheTable, which is shown in Figure 15, to create the table in which the data will be stored.
Figure 14 CacheData
Private Function CacheData(oResultset As rdoResultset) As String
'If we were always in the same datacache we could just do a
' select into the new table. Since we don't want that limitation
' we will pump the data
Dim sTableName As String
Dim sInsertStatic As String
Dim sInsertDynamic As String
Dim iLoop As Integer
sTableName = CreateCacheTable
sInsertStatic = "Insert into " & sTableName & " ("
For iLoop = 0 To oResultset.rdoColumns.Count - 1
sInsertStatic = sInsertStatic & _
oResultset.rdoColumns.Item(iLoop).Name & ","
Next iLoop
sInsertStatic = Left(sInsertStatic, Len(sInsertStatic) - 1) & _
") Values ("
Do While Not oResultset.EOF
sInsertDynamic = ""
For iLoop = 0 To oResultset.rdoColumns.Count - 1
Select Case oResultset.rdoColumns.Item(iLoop).Type
Case rdTypeCHAR, rdTypeDATE, rdTypeTIME, _
If IsNull(oResultset.rdoColumns.Item(iLoop).Value) _
sInsertDynamic = sInsertDynamic & "Null,"
sInsertDynamic = sInsertDynamic & "'" & _
oResultset.rdoColumns.Item(iLoop).Value & "',"
End If
Case Else
If IsNull(oResultset.rdoColumns.Item(iLoop).Value) _
sInsertDynamic = sInsertDynamic & "Null,"
sInsertDynamic = sInsertDynamic & _
oResultset.rdoColumns.Item(iLoop).Value & ","
End If
End Select
Next iLoop
sInsertDynamic = Left(sInsertDynamic, Len(sInsertDynamic) - 1) _
& ")"
oConnectionCache.Execute sInsertStatic & sInsertDynamic
fsTableName = sTableName
CacheData = sTableName
End Function
Figure 15 CreateCacheTable
Private Function CreateCacheTable() As String
Dim sTableName As String
Dim sSQL As String
sTableName = "t_" & sUniqueName
sSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & sTableName & " (" & _
"EmployeeID int ," & _
"LastName varchar (20) ," & _
"FirstName varchar (10) ," & _
"Title varchar (30) ," & _
"TitleOfCourtesy varchar (25) ," & _
"BirthDate datetime ," & _
"HireDate datetime ," & _
"Address varchar (60) ,"
sSQL = sSQL & "City varchar (15) ," & _
"Region varchar (15) ," & _
"PostalCode varchar (10) ," & _
"Country varchar (15) ," & _
"HomePhone varchar (24) ," & _
"Extension varchar (4) ," & _
"ReportsTo int ,"
sSQL = sSQL & "Salary money ," & _
"Bonus money )"
sTableName = oEnvironmentCache.UserName & ".t_" & sUniqueName
sSQL = "CREATE TABLE " & sTableName & " (" & _
"EmployeeID int NULL ," & _
"LastName varchar (20) NULL ," & _
"FirstName varchar (10) NULL ," & _
"Title varchar (30) NULL ," & _
"TitleOfCourtesy varchar (25) NULL ," & _
"BirthDate datetime NULL ," & _
"HireDate datetime NULL ," & _
"Address varchar (60) NULL ,"
sSQL = sSQL & "City varchar (15) NULL ," & _
"Region varchar (15) NULL ," & _
"PostalCode varchar (10) NULL ," & _
"Country varchar (15) NULL ," & _
"HomePhone varchar (24) NULL ," & _
"Extension varchar (4) NULL ," & _
"ReportsTo int NULL ,"
sSQL = sSQL & "Salary money NULL ," & _
"Bonus money NULL)"
#End If
oConnectionCache.Execute sSQL
UPDATE ON " & sTableName & " TO public"
oConnectionCache.Execute sSQL
#End If
CreateCacheTable = sTableName
End Function
CreateCacheTable first creates a table name by calling the UniqueName function (see Figure 16), which brings me to that familiar problem of having to create persistent storage for objects using a unique name, without any help from the user. Inevitably, this leads to producing some type of unique name generator. I cant use the Win32¨ GetTempFilename API for two reasons. First, the API returns a file name that could be longer than 30 characters, which SQL Server 6.5 will not like for a table name. Secondly, the file name returned has a TMP file name extension that I would have to change to HTM, which would no longer guarantee my having a unique file name. In Visual Basic, Ive found that a combination of the day, the month number, the year, and the number of seconds since midnight provides a lot of uniqueness protection. As an extra measure, Ive cast the timer function as a double, which also gives me the decimal number of seconds since midnight. Server time is used, so it doesnt matter what time the client workstations think it is.
Figure 16 UniqueName
Private Function sUniqueName() As String
'There are more precise ways to generate unique names. GUIDs could even
'be used. This is good enough for our needs. We might add a unique
'process ID for the Request Broker using this to make the name more
Dim sHold As String
Dim iPos As Integer
sHold = Trim(Str(Format(Date, "ddmmyyyy"))) & Trim(Str(CDbl(Timer)))
'Replace any . with _
iPos = InStr(1, sHold, ".")
sUniqueName = Left(sHold, iPos - 1) & "_" & _
Right(sHold, Len(sHold) - iPos)
End Function
This is more than adequate to keep a single process from stepping on its own tables stored temporarily (for the life of the process) in the cache. But with a high volume of virtual data objects running, there is a chance that a collision might occur in the shared cache. There are a few ways to handle this.
I could handle it like Ethernet and let the failed process try again until it succeeds at creating a unique name. Or I could generate a unique ID for each process itself at the Request Broker level, or even at the virtual data object and Report Builder levels, and append this ID to the date-and-timer string. For a really good time, I could call UUIDGEN.EXE or GUIDGEN.EXE from the OLE2 ToolKit to create a Universally Unique Identifier or, as its known in COM parlance, a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID). GUIDs are 128 bits, which works out to 32 hexadecimal characters. NTFS and Microsoft Access have no problems with this. However, SQL Server 6.5 currently has a 30-character limit on table names, so this option would require a little tweaking.
After getting a table name back from the UniqueName function, CreateCacheTable proceeds to create the table (see Figure 15). Again, Ive provided the code to do this for both SQL Server 6.5 and Microsoft Access, depending on your environment. In this relatively simple example, the basic differences are that SQL server tables are refer-enced by their ownerswhich is not required, but is good practiceand that permissions are granted for SQL Server tables. This would be the point to add any amount of additional security complexity using SQL Servers native security.
CacheData then pumps the resultset data into the table created in the data cache using an Insert statement. The Insert statement is basically structured as an "Insert into tablename" clause followed by fields and then values, with a one-to-one ordinal correspondence between the fields and the values. This second part of the insert statement can be handled either by inserting the fields and the values in complete ordinal assembly (paralleling the way the database columns were created) or by mapping the values to the fields, with separate sections of the Insert statement for the fields and the values. This second method is more flexible, particularly since the ordinal position of the fields will remain constant during the data pumping process.
My resulting Insert statement looks like
Insert into tablename (fieldname, fieldname, É) values (value, value, É)
Everything up to the actual values remains unchanged during the insert process, so that information is put together as a static string to which the values are appended for each row. As the resultset is scrolled through one row at a time during the caching process, the values are evaluated to determine if they are null or if they are of a datatype that must be delimited with single quotes (such as characters, timestamps, and so on). At present, the example code is not equipped to handle BLOBS (binary large objects), memo fields, or datatypes of similar nature; support could be added, if required.
Once the data is completely inserted into the data cache, control returns to the Request Broker and the virtual data object is set to Nothing. This brings me back to the Case "HTML" section of the SubmitReportRequest method of the Request Broker shown in Figure 9, barring any errors (which Im not trapping for in this example because everything always works like a Swiss watch in the textbookright?). The next step is to create the Report Builder object and pass it the Report Done object that contains the name of the table with the stored results in the data cache.
By design, the only interface point for a Report Builder is its Build method, which is passed the Report Done object. This Build method (see Figure 17), will be the same for all Report Builders. Using a Select statement, it extracts the data cached by the virtual data object in the local SQL Server 6.5, creating a resultset. It then passes this resultset to the BuildReport method, which manipulates the resultset to produce the report in the desired format.
Figure 17 Build
Public Sub Build(oReportDone As ReportDone)
Dim oResultset As rdoResultset
Dim sSQL As String
fsTableName = oReportDone.Report
sSQL = "Select * from " & oReportDone.Report
Set oResultset = oConnectionSource.OpenResultset _
(sSQL, rdOpenKeyset, rdConcurReadOnly)
BuildReport oResultset, oReportDone
'Not only required because it is a good habit, but
' when using Access as the DataCache it will lock the table
' and not allow us to drop it because the resultset is placed
' on the rdoResultsets collection of the rdoConnection
' object.
End Sub
Figure 18 BuildReport
Private Sub BuildReport(oResultset As rdoResultset, _
oReportDone As ReportDone)
Dim iFileHandle As Integer
Dim sOutput As String
Dim iLoop As Integer
Dim iColumns As Integer
'If we compile locally then place the resultant HTM file locally
fsFileName = "C:\HTM\" & sStripOwner(oReportDone.Report) & ".htm"
#Else 'If we are on the server put it in the shared directory
fsFileName = "W:\" & sStripOwner(oReportDone.Report) & ".htm"
#End If
iFileHandle = FreeFile
'Open/Create the output file
Open fsFileName For Output Access Write Lock Write As iFileHandle
'Start document and table
Print #iFileHandle, "<HTML> <TITLE> </TITLE> <BODY> _
<TABLE border> <TR>"
'Set the number of columns
Print #iFileHandle, "<TH colspan=" & _
oResultset.rdoColumns.Count & ">"
'Set the report name
Print #iFileHandle, "<H3><A NAME=""TT"">" & _
oReportDone.ReportName & "</a></H3> </TH> </TR> <TR>"
iColumns = oResultset.rdoColumns.Count - 1
'Put the column headers in
For iLoop = 0 To iColumns
sOutput = sOutput & "<TH>" & _
oResultset.rdoColumns.Item(iLoop).Name & "</TH>"
Next iLoop
'Finish the headers
sOutput = sOutput & "</TR>"
Print #iFileHandle, sOutput
'Populate the cells
Do While Not oResultset.EOF
'Start Row
sOutput = "<TR>"
'Do the cells
For iLoop = 0 To iColumns
sOutput = sOutput & "<TD>" & _
oResultset.rdoColumns.Item(iLoop).Value & "</TD>"
Next iLoop
'Finish Row
sOutput = sOutput & "</TR>"
Print #iFileHandle, sOutput
'Next Row
'Finish the document/report
Print #iFileHandle, "</TABLE></BODY></HTML>"
Close iFileHandle
'Depending on whether we are without or with server
' set the URL for the report
oReportDone.Report = "C|/HTM/" & sStripOwner _
(oReportDone.Report) & ".htm"
oReportDone.Report = "" & _
sStripOwner(oReportDone.Report) & ".htm"
#End If
End Sub
The BuildReport method for my example (see Figure 18) converts the resultset into an HTML table that it then inserts into a file. The first step is to create the file, which needs to be in a directory thats shared on the network as HTM, where both the Report Builder and Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) can get at it since they wont necessarily be running on the same machine. For my example, this shared directory is mapped to drive letter W for the Report Builder, and its mapped to drive letter X for IIS. Within IIS this directory is aliased VDO, as Figure 19 illustrates. Figure 19 also indicates a default document named default.htm for drive letter X that will be displayed if theres a failure somewhere along the way and the user-service viewer tries to get a document that IIS cant find. The file default.htm will simply display "Report Not Found."
Figure 19 WWW server directories
BuildReport then constructs a basic HTML table with a header, column headers, and the data. Stepping through the resultset one row at a time, it encapsulates the data as HTML and shoves it into the file. BuildReport then closes the file and sets the Report property of the ReportDone object to the location of the file, which is a URL composed of the location of IIS, the directory as it knows it (VDO, in this case), and the file name. A desktop version that runs without IIS stores the HTML-based table in a file on the local C drive (see Figure 18).
The Report Done object is passed to the Request Broker, which serves it up hot to the Reporter client, bringing me back to where ProcessResults is called in the Reporter in Figure 8. The present version of ProcessResults handles only HTML reports, which it accomplishes by passing the URL to the viewer, which displays the finished report (see Figure 20).
Figure 20 HTML Viewer
The HTML viewer literally snaps together. With Internet Explorer 3.0 and the Microsoft Internet Controls installed, a reference to the Internet Controls is added to the Reporter project. A Web Browser ActiveX control is then added to a child form, called frmViewerHTML in my example, that is fed the URL on one line of code.
Not content to have things that easy, I added a small routine called NewShow (see Figure 21). Due to timing and the way screens are repainted, the Web browser object doesnt smoothly resize to fit the screen and impress the user in the Load event, so I shoved the code into the NewShow method, which resizes the object within the form.
Figure 21 NewShow
Public Sub NewShow(sURL As String)
Load Me
CenterChild frmReporter, Me
wbMain.Navigate sURL
Me.WindowState = 2
wbMain.Top = 0
wbMain.Left = 0
End Sub
Closing the Application
When the user is done viewing the report and has closed the viewer window, the unload event fires and calls the Request Broker DestroyReport method. In the Request Broker, I dereference the Report Builder by setting the object variable to Nothing. In the Report Builder terminate event (see Figure 22) the report is destroyed, the cache table is destroyed, and the Report Builder dies. The Request Broker stays alive until the client closes the Reporter and the application is completely shut down.
Figure 22 Terminate
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set oEnvironment = Nothing
Set oConnectionSource = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub DestroyReport()
Dim dStartTime As Double
dStartTime = Timer
On Error GoTo ERROR_DestroyReport
Kill fsFileName
Exit Sub
'Apparently it takes some time for IIS to release the file so we
' keep trying until it works.
' Otherwise let garbage collection get it.
Select Case Timer - dStartTime
'30 Second timer
Case Is > 30
'Midnight exception handle
Case Is < 0
'Try again... maybe IIS has let it go
Case Else
End Select
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub DestroyTable()
oConnectionSource.Execute "Drop table " & fsTableName
End Sub
The Report Builder hangs around this long so that in a future version of the reporting system theres a link to the resultset cached by the virtual data object. This gives me room to give the user the option of seeing the data in different layouts while incurring the overhead of retrieving potentially massive amounts of data from all over the network only once.
In Part I of this series, I talked about the Report Builder depositing the finished report into the SQL Server 6.5 cache, where it could be retrieved by the Reporter for display in a viewer using ODBC. While thats not the case for the HTML example developed in this article, the option remains open for other Report Builders.
My main application security is enforced by ACLs. Ill set all of the remote ActiveX servers to the Allow Remote Creates by ACL setting in the Remote Automation Connection Manager. The client enforces no security. Users are either permissioned at the appropriate level within the domain or not. The end result is that, if someone doesnt have clearance, he or she wont be able to create Request Brokers, virtual data objects, and so on. Don Boxs article "Introducing Distributed COM and the New OLE Features in Windows NT 4.0," (MSJ May 1996) describes the mechanisms used to enforce this security.
With this security model in mind, my Visual Basic application will have to trap any failures detected by the Automation Manager and return a suitable error, informing the user that security clearance is not adequate.
Further security granularity is enforced by SQL Server logins and permissions. Data is partitioned by login and is available to objects on a need-to-know basis. The virtual data object uses a data cache user ID and password that is shared with the Report Builder, and the Request Broker has a separate ID and password that it uses to get at its metadata in a separate database. The advantage of this is that different groups of developers can add virtual data objects and Report Builders to this system without being privy to any security other than that of their own objects.
The user must be properly permissioned to create a virtual data object. The virtual data object has its own user IDs and passwords for the remote data sources, and these IDs and passwords are, by design, limited to Select-only permissions. These objects cant be made to do anything other than what they already do, which is read the information. This will help satisfy the Audit departments desire to remove all possibility of unauthorized users accessing data, or authorized users corrupting accessible data.
Letting Windows NT handle the security at the domain level also allows me to take advantage of options built into Windows NT domain security, including centralized security management and the ability to implement more stringent security requirements. For example, Winlogon contains a DLL named GINA (graphical identification and authentication) that can be modified to accommodate smartcards, retinal scanners, or Borg implants at authentication.
Execution Strategies and Pool Management
When sketching out the prototype architecture in the first article of this series, I built a callback class to allow asynchronous execution of the reporting system. But the complications involved with queueing multiple virtual data objects and Report Builders through the Request Broker are more than are necessary at this point, so Ive sidestepped the issue for the moment. Visual Basic presently builds only single-threaded ActiveX servers, and ActiveX serializes the requests to these servers. Originally, the Request Broker was envisioned as a solitary multiuse object on the remote server. With that scenario, the Request Broker would have to deal with virtual data objects and Report Brokers in a pool-management way. But at this time, Ive decided to bypass that complication and avoid asynchronous processing, and thus pool management as well. At a future point, both issues can be revisited.
In this article, the application design has been simplified to be purely synchronous, with all of the objects configured as Creatable, Singleuse, with the public property still True. If necessary, the users can run multiple copies of the application.
Given my applications design, the issue of implementing a pool manager becomes as much a business decision as it is a technology decision. The two primary benefits of a pool manager are improved performance, since the users dont have to wait for objects to be created, and tighter security, since the pool manager and its utilities create and own the ActiveX objects instead of the users. When a pool manager becomes overloaded, it must still turn away requests, or serialize them, which is same situation that Im in without a pool managerwaiting until a new object is created or, if the servers run out of resources, waiting until an object becomes free. You should carefully evaluate demand and distribute users and objects to minimize overload situations. In addition, you need to determine which virtual data objects should be kept in the pool or pools, given the diversity of these objects.
In the old days of conventional MS-DOS memory, ex-pensive RAM, and primitive hardware, applications were optimized with multiple passes spent squeezing every line of code. In todays environment of powerful operating systems, cheap RAM, fast hardware, shorter lifecycles for application software ("disposacode"), and abstracted development tools like MFC and DAO, optimizing is a different process.
Most of the optimization of an enterprise application takes place at the architectural design level. Two key parts of this process are determining the optimal level of granularity for individual components (where to draw the lines), and deciding where to position these objects in order to get the best performance (run locally, run on one remote server, or run across multiple servers, depending on processing load and network latency). The Application Performance Explorer (, which is written in Visual Basic, can be a great help in verifying these design-and-deployment decisions that affect runtime performance.
Once the components are developed and the application is put together, the Visual Basic Code Profiler (shipped with Visual Basic) does a good job of helping you optimize the actual code by identifying unused, dead code and resource-intensive routines that are good targets for restructuring.
Visual Basic also provides some time-saving shortcuts for invoking ActiveX methods or setting and reading properties. For example, the WithÉEnd With construct allows you to directly grab the reference to the last component in an object.component.component.component chain without having each intermediate component along the chain handle the request as it goes down the hierarchy. For example, in my project, the code in Figure 23 is used to set a series of properties for a field object.
Figure 23 Setting Properties
With oMessage.Fields.Item(sCurrentFieldName)
'Cast rdo data types
.Name = sCurrentFieldName
.DataType = vFixRDOData(oResultset.rdoColumns("DataType"))
.Description = vFixRDOData (oResultset.rdoColumns _
.Size = vFixRDOData(oResultset.rdoColumns("Size"))
.Value = vFixRDOData(oResultset.rdoColumns("Value"))
.SelectedFilter = vFixRDOData(oResultset.rdoColumns _
End With
My reporting system application, which runs synchronously on the client machine, brings up another aspect of optimization: the subjective perceptions of users. Since the application runs like a batch job, it has a potentially long period of apparent inactivity from the users point of view. While the SQL statement is generated, the data is fetched from the remote servers, and the final report is built, I run the risk of the user thinking that the process is hung. With some applications, this can result in unexpected problems if the user starts a clicking fit or keyboard tantrum, trying to get some kind of response out of the application. This wont affect my synchronously executing reporting system.
One good way to handle this situation (in addition to trapping input from the user) is to display a message that lets the user know that the jobs still running (see Figure 24). Its helpful to have a clock that displays the system time or the elapsed time, even if its updated only a few times a minute, just to let the users know that everythings fine and that the application is still doing what they want it to do. Since my users are running Windows NT, they can read their email or look at comics or movie reviews on the Web while reports are being processed, occasionally checking on the progress of the application and getting some kind of satisfactory feedback.
Figure 24 Report Running message
Microsoft Access as a Sandbox
When used in passthrough query mode, Microsoft Access provides an environment for isolated testing of the huge-and-hairy SQL statements that are an integral part of client/server development. This is especially useful for components like the virtual data objects, which need to speak in SQL to many different datasources, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Oracle, and so on. Not all SQL is created equal; there are variations in an optimized SQL statement that depend on the database engine that will be executing it. When testing and benchmarking SQL, its a lot easier if you dont have to deal with the rest of a developing Visual Basic application at the same time.
Microsoft Access also provides a separate ODBC connection string for each passthrough query created, which lets you test the tuned SQL with the various user IDs and passwords the virtual data objects will actually use at runtime against the various databases they need to hit.
I also like to use Microsoft Access as a local backup of SQL Server development data, which optimizes the development process by reducing the risk of corrupting the living development data by using my own local copy. For example, while designing the database that supports the report build message objects, columns came and went from the tables as I put the picture together. On SQL Server, this means dropping and recreating the table, which means that all of the data in the table ceases to exist. Making up test data with referential integrity is not something that you want to do more than once. If the tables are imported into Microsoft Access, you can cut and paste the data back into the SQL Server tables after they are recreated.
While there are other methods available to accomplish these tasks, Microsoft Access provides all of these features in one handy package that you probably already have on your desktop.
Successful applications deployed in multinational corporations tend to get distributed around the globe. There are several ways to facilitate converting the applicationat least the parts of it that the user seesinto different languages. One good method involves stripping all of the strings that are displayed to the user out of the application code and storing them in a single resource file. Icons and bitmaps, which might also be swapped out for different locations, can be stored in the resource file as well. In addition to getting all of the changeable stuff in one basket, resource files allow the application to selectively load bitmaps and strings as needed on-the-fly, minimizing the performance hit on a load event.
Microsoft Developer Studio provides a good environment for editing resource files or scripts. Saving the file from the Developer Studio produces a file with an .rc extension, which includes instructions for the resource compiler. Running the resource compiler that ships with Microsoft Visual C++¨ on the .rc file produces two more files, .res and .h. The .res file is the same for Visual C++ or Visual Basic and is simply added to the project. The .h file contains the constants used for locating items in the .res file, and it needs to be converted into something that Visual Basic can use.
I wrote a small standalone Visual Basic project called Resource to do this conversion. Resource runs at the command line and takes the path to the .h file. It then creates a file called resource.bas in the same directory as the .h file. The ConvertFile function from the Resource projectessentially the heart of the projectis shown in Figure 25.
Figure 25 ConvertFile Function
Private Function ConvertFile(sFileName As String) As Boolean
'The work to convert the header file to a bas file takes place here
'Basically trap any file or command line errors
On Error GoTo ERROR_ConvertFile
'Set successful completion to false
ConvertFile = False
Dim iInFile As Integer
Dim iOutFile As Integer
Dim sInString As String
Dim sOutString As String
'Get input file handle and open file
iInFile = FreeFile
Open sFileName For Input As iInFile
'Get output file handle and open file
'Since VB only allows one resource file we've chosen
' RESOURCE.BAS as our result name
iOutFile = FreeFile
Open ExtractPath(sFileName) & "RESOURCE.BAS" For Output As iOutFile
'Put in the first line required by VB
Print #iOutFile, "Attribute VB_Name = ""modResource"""
'Process the whole file
Do While Not EOF(iInFile)
'In with a row
Input #iInFile, sInString
'Looking at a .h file generated by the Developer Studio Resource
' editor shows that the first break in lines of text is where
' we want to bail out
If Left(sInString, 1) = "" Then
Exit Do
'Else we ignore comments
ElseIf Left(sInString, 1) <> "/" Then
'If it is not a comment then replace the #define with _
"Public Const"
sOutString = "Public Const" & Right(sInString, _
Len(sInString) - Len("#define"))
'Put an equal (=) sign between the const name and value
Dim iLastSpace As Integer
iLastSpace = FindLastSpace(sOutString)
sOutString = Left(sOutString, iLastSpace) & "= " & _
Right(sOutString, Len(sOutString) - iLastSpace)
'Print result to file
Print #iOutFile, sOutString
End If
'Close files
Close iInFile
Close iOutFile
'If we made it this far we were successful
ConvertFile = True
Exit Function
As an example of how this works, I stripped the strings out of the Resource project itself. After feeding the .rc file through the resource compiler, the resource.h file looks like Figure 26. After running the Resource conversion program on resource.h, the resulting resource.bas looks like Figure 27.
Figure 26 Resource.h
// Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
// Used by Resource.rc
#define STR_HELP 1
#define STR_FAIL_PART_1 2
#define STR_FAIL_PART_2 3
#define STR_SUCCESS_PART_1 4
#define STR_SUCCESS_PART_2 5
#define ICON_MAIN 102
// Next default values for new objects
Figure 27 Resource.bas
Attribute VB_Name = "modResource"
Public Const STR_HELP = 1
Public Const STR_FAIL_PART_1 = 2
Public Const STR_FAIL_PART_2 = 3
Public Const STR_SUCCESS_PART_1 = 4
Public Const STR_SUCCESS_PART_2 = 5
Public Const ICON_MAIN = 102
The resources contained in the .res file are actually rolled into the Visual Basic executable at build. This means that creating different-language versions of the application entails more than simply swapping in different resource files at deployment. Each language the application is released in will require a separate pass through the resource compiler and a separately-built executable. The drawbacks to this approach are that it involves a fairly tedious (read "vulnerable to error") process, and that it lacks any means of centralized control. In addition to adding a layer of complexity when adding enhancements or updates to the application, this method introduces the risk of divergent code paths.
As alternatives to standard resource files, there are a couple of other options for adding multilanguage support to my reporting system application. Given that the applications bitmaps and icons wont be changing, I can load all of the strings into a central repository. Since the application is designed to access a SQL Server 6.5 business service component at runtime, a single string table out on the SQL Server, with a two-field primary key composed of the string- and language identifiers, plus a third field for the text of the string itself, would be a good candidate for the string repository. The strings would be loaded down from the server at startup. As a faster option, the strings could be cached locally on the client, in either an .mdb file or, for even better performance, in a lightweight flatfile. Down the road, I can consider building an ActiveX server component to dynamically pass the strings to the application.
As another option, I can build a mechanism to help Visual Basic have some of the flexibility of C. C programs are able to dynamically read resource DLLs during execution without recompiling. Changing the language of the strings or the appearance of the bitmaps and icons used by the application can be a simple matter of changing the DLLs. For my 32-bit Visual Basic application I can consider compiling the resource files, along with routines for loading the strings and images, as in-process ActiveX DLLs, which can be dynamically replaced. These ActiveX DLLs would be like resource files on steroids.
Converting the strings, bitmaps, and icons that an application uses doesnt help with error or status messages returned from the Visual Basic or operating system runtime DLLs. Fortunately, there are versions of Visual Basic and Windows NT in various languages, so the application can be rebuilt and setup disks created in another language environment from the ground up.
In the first part of this series, I examined the architecture of the reporting system application and outlined the API for all of its components.
In this article, I focused on the implementation and locked down the Reporting System API. On the user service front, I built a Web browser viewer that displays report data through IIS. I rounded out the business service Request Broker and expanded the messaging object that carries data between all of the components. I developed a complete, functioning virtual data object and an HTML Report Builder. And I exploited the ease-of-use and flexibility of the Microsoft SQL Server business service component to support the application at just about every step, in-cluding replacing stubbed info with real data from my friends at Northwind. I also looked at design tradeoffs and options in security, pool management, optimization, and internationalization.
The Visual Basic components that are discussed and built in this article are designed to create an Employee Info report thats displayed as an HTML page. But thats just an example; the real value of this system is that the API will remain unchanged for any report you wish to create by plugging in new components based on the samples in this article. Give it a try!
In Part III, Ill wrap up the development phase and cover deployment issues such as QA testing and handling maintenance issues and enhancement requests for the application. And Ill finally get to talk about Visual Basic 5.0. Stay tuned.
To obtain complete source code listings, see Editor's page.
This article is reproduced from Microsoft Systems Journal. Copyright © 1997 by Miller Freeman, Inc. All rights are reserved. No part of this article may be reproduced in any fashion (except in brief quotations used in critical articles and reviews) without the prior consent of Miller Freeman.
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