HTML Intrinsic Controls


Controls that you can use with your HTML Page Designer. Controls on an HTML page are often referred to as HTML elements.

HTML intrinsic controls are named similarly to some standard Visual Basic controls, but they can only be used in the page designer and behave differently than their forms-based counterparts. For example, the methods available on the text field for an HTML page are different than the methods for a textbox on a form.

You can insert an HTML intrinsic control on the page in three ways:

The position of the resulting element may vary depending on whether you are working in absolute positioning mode.

At design time, you can change multiple properties that control the appearance of the controls, by setting values in the Properties window. Available properties vary depending on the type of control.

HTML Intrinsic Controls


The only item in the DHTML Page Designer Toolbox that doesn't draw a control. When you select the pointer, you can only resize or move a control that has already been drawn on an HTML page.


Creates a command button on the page.

Submit Button

Creates a submit button as part of an HTML form. Submit buttons are used to send form data to the server.

Reset Button

Creates a reset button as part of an HTML form. Reset buttons are used to clear the contents of a form.

Text Field

Creates a single-line text input field on the page.

Text Area

Creates a multiline text input field on the page.

Password Field

Creates a text input field for which the contents are masked when the user enters data.

Option Button

Creates a radio button on the page.

Note   To make a set of option buttons mutually exclusive (that is, you can only select one of them at a time), set their Name properties to the same value. Note, however, that you must keep the ID property for each option button unique.


Creates a checkbox on the page.


Creates a drop-down combo list on the page.


Creates a scrolling list on the page.


Creates a standard image on the page.


Creates a hyperlink on the page. The text for the hyperlink is set to Hyperlinkn, where n is the number of hyperlink elements on the page. You can change the default text by selecting the hyperlink and typing over it. You determine what page the hyperlink should navigate to by setting the element's HREF property or writing an event procedure for the element's Click event.

Horizontal Rule

Inserts a horizontal line on the page. You can adjust the line's thickness and appearance.


Inserts a field and button that end users can use to specify a local file to upload to a server. Users can also browse to files using this element.


Inserts a hidden field onto the page. You can use a hidden field to retain information you need in processing the page.


Creates a graphical input area that submits information about the image coordinates. The value of the SRC property specifies the URL of the image that will appear within the area.