The People Involved in a Repository System

A Repository system includes people filling the following roles:

Person Role
Information model creator Designs the information model and inserts it into the Repository. One information model developer can support many tool programmers, because there are many potential tools that can manipulate the same set of data. An organization can sometimes use information models created elsewhere and already inserted into the Repository.
Programmer who creates tools to insert, maintain, visualize, or analyze the data in the information model Populates the information model with data. Creates tools like browsers, data visualization tools, database reports, database queries, and impact analysis tools to analyze that data.
User of the insertion, maintenance, visualization, and analysis tools Typically, programmers, application developers, and system analysts. Because the tools are for manipulating data about software systems, they are used primarily by software professionals.

Note   The software professionals who use these tools need not be aware that they have the Repository at all. They must, however, have Microsoft Repository installed to run these tools.