Link Libraries for MS-DOS

These are the static libraries that are included in MS-DOS for the RPC client application:

Static library Description
RPC.LIB Base RPC functions and name-service functions.
RPCNDR.LIB NDR and other stub-helper functions.
NDRLIB10.LIB If you are using MIDL 1.0 on MS-DOS, you must connect to this library. All other users should disregard this library. Note that this library is meant to be a temporary solution and MIDL 1.0 users should migrate to MIDL 2.0 at the earliest occasion.

The following RPC transports are included for MS-DOS clients:

Pseudo-dynamic-link library Description
RPC16C1.RPC Client named-pipe transport
RPC16C3.RPC Client TCP/IP transport
RPC16C5.RPC NetBIOS transport
RPC16DG3.RPC Datagram UPD transport
RPC16DG6.RPC Datagram IPX transport
RPC16C6.RPC Client SPX transport
RPCNS.RPC Name-service functions
RPCNSLM.RPC LAN Manager support functions
RPCNSMGM.RPC Name-service management functions