Windows NT Transport Security

Although this is not the preferred method, you can add security features to your distributed application by using the security settings offered by the Windows NT named-pipe transport. These security settings are used with the Microsoft RPC functions that start with the prefixes "RpcServerUseProtseq" and "RpcServerUseAllProtseqs" and the functions RpcImpersonateClient and RpcRevertToSelf.

Note  If you are running an application that is a service and you are using NTLMSSP (Windows NT LAN Manager Security Support Provider) for security, you must add an explicit service dependency for your application. The NTLMSSP.DLL will call the Service Controller (SC) to begin the NTLMSSP service. However, an RPC application that is a service and is running as a system, must also contact the SC unless it is connecting to another service on the same computer.