RPC Data Types and Structures

This section defines the following constants, data types, and data structures used by the Microsoft RPC run-time functions:

Data type/structure Description
RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL* Authentication-level constants
RPC_C_AUTHN* Authentication-service constants
RPC_C_AUTHZ* Authorization-service constants
GUID Globally unique identifier (UUID)
PROTSEQ Protocol sequence string
RPC_ASYNC_STATE Client side state structure for asynchronous RPC
RPC_AUTH_IDENTITY_HANDLE Authorization-identity handle
RPC_AUTH_KEY_RETRIEVAL_FN Authorization-key retrieval function
RPC_AUTHZ_HANDLE Authorization handle
RPC_BINDING_VECTOR Count and array of binding handles
RPC_IF_HANDLE Interface handle
RPC_IF_ID Interface identifier
RPC_IF_ID_VECTOR Count and array of interface identifiers
RPC_MGR_EPV Manager entry-point vector
RPC_NS_HANDLE Name-service handle
RPC_OBJECT_INQ_FN Object-inquiry function
RPC_POLICY Set message queuing, port allocation, and NIC binding policies
RPC_PROTSEQ_VECTOR Count and array of protocol sequences
RPC_SECURITY_QOS Defines security quality of service through SSPI
RPC_STATS_VECTOR Statistics vector
String binding String representation of a binding
String UUID Unique identifier string
UUID Universally unique identifier
UUID_VECTOR Count and array of unique identifiers