
The RpcBindingToStringBinding function returns a string representation of a binding handle.

#include <rpc.h>
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY RpcBindingToStringBinding( 
  unsigned char * *  StringBinding  


Specifies a client or server binding handle to convert to a string representation of a binding handle.
Returns a pointer to a pointer to the string representation of the binding handle specified in the Binding argument.

Specify a null value to prevent RpcBindingToStringBinding from returning the StringBinding argument. In this case, the application does not call the RpcStringFree routine.


The RpcBindingToStringBinding routine converts a client or server binding handle to its string representation.

The RPC run-time library allocates memory for the string returned in the StringBinding argument. The application is responsible for calling the RpcStringFree routine to deallocate that memory.

If the binding handle in the Binding argument contained a nil object UUID, the object UUID field is not included in the returned string.

To parse the returned StringBinding argument, call the RpcStringBindingParse routine.

Return Values

Value Meaning
RPC_S_OK Success
RPC_S_INVALID_BINDING Invalid binding handle


  Windows NT: Yes
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in rpcdce.h.
  Import Library: Link with rpcrt4.lib.

See Also

RpcBindingFromStringBinding, RpcStringBindingParse, RpcStringFree