
The RpcSmEnableAllocate function establishes the stub memory management environment.

#include <rpc.h>


In cases where the stub memory management is not enabled by the server stub itself, applications call the RpcSmEnableAllocate routine to establish the stub memory management environment. This environment must be established prior to making a call to RpcSmAllocate. In OSF-compatibility (/osf) mode, for server manager code called from the stub, the memory management environment may be established by the server stub itself by using pointer manipulation or the enable_allocate attribute. In default (Microsoft-extended) mode, the environment is established only upon request by using the enable_allocate attribute (see The MIDL Reference.) Otherwise, call RpcSmEnableAllocate before calling RpcSmAllocate. See Memory Management for a complete discussion of the memory management conditions used by RPC.

RpcSmGetThreadHandle and RpcSmSetThreadHandle

Return Values

Value Meaning
RPC_S_OK Success
RPC_S_OUT_OF_MEMORY Out of memory


  Windows NT: Yes
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in rpcndr.h.
  Import Library: Link with rpcrt4.lib.

See Also

RpcSmAllocate, RpcSmDisableAllocate