[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE structure is used to pass authentication attributes, of type RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, during an EAP session.

typedef struct _RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE {
    RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE raaType;   // attribute type
    DWORD                   dwLength;  // length in bytes of Value
    PVOID                   Value;     // pointer to value or 
                                       // contains value


Specifies the type of attribute, as defined in the RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE enumerated type.
Specifies the length in bytes of the value of this attribute. If the Value member is a pointer, dwLength specifies the length of the buffer pointed to. If the Value member is the value itself, dwLength specifies how much of the length of the Value member is taken up by the value.
Specifies the value of the attribute. Although this member is typed PVOID, this member sometimes contains the value of the attribute rather than pointing to the value. The only way to know whether to interpret the Value member as a pointer to the value or the value itself, is to check the raaType member. See the reference page for RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE for information about how the Value member should be interpreted for different types.


Often an array of these structures is used to store or obtain a set of attributes for a given user. Since the number of attributes for a session is unknown, the array must be dynamic. The array is terminated by a structure with an raaType member that has a value of raatMinimum


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in rasauth.h.

See Also